NGO Pushes Integration of Human Rights in UN Climate Talks
September 15, 2015
Executive Director of the Universal Rights Group Marc Limon has published an article on a website run by the World Economic Forum calling for countries to integrate the global human rights agenda in their negotiations over an agreement on countering climate change to be discussed at a UN conference in Paris in December.
Bollyky Calls for WTO Role in "Regulatory Coherence"
September 14, 2015
Council on Foreign Relations Fellow Thomas Bollyky has published a paper calling for greater involvement of the World Trade Organization ("WTO") in driving forward multinational agreements that coordinate national regulatory regimes in order to facilitate international production and trade.
Academic: Human-Rights Education Seeks "Social Engineering"
September 02, 2015
Barend Vlaardingerbroek of the American University of Beirut writes that the global "human rights education" agenda pursued by Amnesty International and other activist organizations is part of a concerted attempt to pursue "social engineering" for children in Western school systems.
UN Calls for NGO Role in Development Goals
September 02, 2015
Speaking at a recent conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in New York, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pushed legislators to make room for a large role he said should be played by nongovernmental organizations in the implementation of the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals.
NGO Proposes Model Law Governing Sovereign Debt
August 26, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation has published a paper proposing that New York State or England adopt a model law that would serve as the governing standard for the restructuring of sovereign debt around the world.
NGOs Criticize Proposed World Bank "Safeguard Policies"
August 12, 2015
A group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") have criticized the World Bank's proposed Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework for what they see as a dilution of the Bank's human rights and environmental protection policies and failure to require adequate public reporting on these issues.
AI Adopts Policy Seeking Decriminalization of Prostitution
August 12, 2015
The New York Times reports that the nongovernmental organization Amnesty International ("AI") has voted for a policy calling for the abolition of laws criminalizing the buying and selling of sex.
Moynihan: AI Prostitution-Rights Proposal Offends Dignity
August 10, 2015
Journalist Carolyn Moynihan writes that a proposal presented at an Amnesty International ("AI") conference in Dublin calling for the recognition of a human right to the decriminalization of prostitution, a proposal previously championed by a UN agency, would demean human dignity.
NGO Calls for Global Rules on Financial Firm Resolution
August 05, 2015
The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published a report calling for the Group of Twenty ("G20") countries to implement an international standard setting out requirements for the cross-border resolution of failing financial firms.
China Think Tank Calls for G20 Global Economic Governance
August 03, 2015
The official Chinese press agency Xinhua reports that the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China has called for the Group of 20 ("G20") countries to establish a "global economic coordination system" in order to map out a global plan for economic growth and development.