NGO Watch®

  • HRW: Obamacare Repeal May Violate Human Rights

    February 01, 2017

    Human Rights Watch has published an article linking plans by the current US Congress and President to repeal and replace a health care law attributed to former President Barack Obama with an attack on the global "right to access health services."

  • Paper Seeks Bolstering of Global Refugee System

    February 01, 2017

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation has published a paper calling for the Canadian Government to lead international efforts to develop new global standards to guide the refugee resettlement system and introduce "binding mechanisms and measurable benchmarks" to increase the number of refugees resettled around the world.

  • Haass Seeks Establishment of "World Order 2.0"

    January 26, 2017

    Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass writes that confronting global challenges that have no regard for borders requires, governments to form a "World Order 2.0" premised on "obligations" sovereign states have to each other, the contours of which are decided by a system of global governance.

  • Article Calls for G20 Push for Global Trade Governance

    January 25, 2017

    Rohinton Medhora of the Centre for International Governance Innovation has published an article calling for countries at the July 2017 summit of the G20 group of countries in Hamburg, Germany, to begin exploring what multilateral system might succeed the World Trade Organization as the primary driver of the global governance of trade.

  • NGOs Criticize Corporate Charter on Mexican Produce

    January 25, 2017

    The Los Angeles Times reports that labor and consumer groups are criticizing an "Ethical Charter" released by North American companies in the food industry pledging to adhere to the law and to "international expectations" in obtaining produce from Mexican farms for failing to include an enforcement mechanism, including "audits by trained inspectors," in its provisions.

  • NGOs Extract Sustainability Pledge from Korindo

    January 23, 2017

    Demonstrating the influence of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in pressuring companies to sign on to their "sustainability" agenda, the website Eco-Business reports that manufacturing company Korindo has responded to NGO accusations of irresponsible forestry practices in Indonesia by pledging to perform impact assessments before taking action on forested land.

  • AI: Guantanamo Illustrates US "Human Rights Deficit"

    January 16, 2017

    In a recent press release, Amnesty International asserts that human rights pledges made by the US as it prepared for a new term on the UN Human Rights Council in 2017 belie its "pick-and-choose" approach to the global human rights agenda, illustrated by the government's continued detention of terror suspects at its base in Guantanamo Bay.

  • Google Announces Achievement of Climate Pledge

    January 16, 2017

    As part of a nongovernmental organization-led coalition of companies that have responded to environmental activist pressure by committing to ambitious renewable energy goals, technology giant Google has announced that it will fulfill its promise to rely completely on renewable electricity beginning in 2017.

  • Dutch Officials Take Steps Toward Mandatory CSR

    January 04, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization MVO Platform reports ona two-step Dutch government plan to advance acceptance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives among Dutch businesses, first by signing agreements with businesses to promote CSR in their international activities, then mandating the acceptance of these agreements across entire industrial sectors.

  • NGO Creates Resource Bank on "Sustainability" Education

    December 13, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization World Organization for Early Childhood Education has produced a UNESCO Early Childhood Resource Bank to provide information about how to teach children, beginning before they enter school, about the importance of the UN's sustainable development agenda.

Total Records: 471
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