NGO Announces Business Pledges on Climate Agenda
October 12, 2016
As the UN and activists maintain pressure on businesses to advance their agenda on combating climate change, the nongovernmental organization The Climate Group is touting several new corporate pledges to improve "energy productivity" and move to 100% renewable energy as part of the NGO's initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
HRW Seeks Strengthened OSCE Rights Monitoring
October 05, 2016
During the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's annual human rights meeting, Human Rights Watch called on the OSCE to drop its consensus-based process in order to permit human rights monitoring and reporting over the objection of one or more of the organization's members.
Article Calls for Reassertion of WTO Relevance
October 05, 2016
Lamenting the complex "spaghetti bowl" of international trade agreements that bypass the World Trade Organization, Maria Panezi of the Centre for International Governance Innovation has called on the WTO to reassert itself by reviewing and, if necessary, taking legal action to promote transparency in these agreements.
AI Decries "Ineffective" UN Refugee Agreement
September 21, 2016
Amnesty International has criticized the "abject failure" of a recent UN summit in New York to resolve the global migration crisis, as Secretary General of the nongovernmental organization Salil Shetty blames "national self-interest" for the rejection of a binding deal that would have required countries to commit to taking in a certain number of refugees each year.
NGOs Seek NHRI Involvement in Rights Education
September 19, 2016
In a recent panel discussion at the UN Human Rights Council, the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions called on countries to consult their national human rights institutions in implementing "human rights education" programs to teach children about the global human rights agenda.
NGOs Criticize German Efforts on UN Climate Deal
September 16, 2016
Sören Amelang writes that nongovernmental organizations are criticizing the German government's 30-year plan on climate change, announced at the 2015 UN summit in Paris on reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, for failing to include a firm deadline for a German "coal exit."
Gap Discloses Supplier List
September 15, 2016
Human Rights Watch reports that Gap, Inc., and other clothing companies, despite concerns about impacts on the competitiveness of their brands, have responded to pressure from nongovernmental organizations by disclosing the list of the factories around the world that supply their garments.
Paper Calls for Centralized Criteria for Crisis Lending
September 14, 2016
Beatrice Weder di Mauro of the Centre for International Governance Innovation writes that, as current president of the G-20 group of countries, the German government should work toward the establishment of harmonized criteria and requirements for access to the "global safety net" of international crisis lending.
NGOs Criticize Lack of G-20 Timeline on Climate
September 09, 2016
According to the website Climate Home, leaders from environmental groups are praising action at the recent summit of the G-20 group of countries in China on "green finance" initiatives to reduce global warming but are pushing for timelines in which countries must halt subsidies to fossil fuel producers.
Oxfam Seeks More Ambitious G-20 Agenda
September 07, 2016
The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has criticized the G-20 group of countries for what it calls insufficient progress at its recent summit in Hangzhou, China, in cracking down on corporate tax avoidance, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and immediately acting to resettle displaced refugees and migrants.