NGO Measures Business Involvement in SDGs
August 29, 2016
As his nongovernmental organization Ethical Corporation publishes a survey of businesses around the world on their commitment to fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Liam Dowd expresses concern that fewer than half of companies plan to engage with their governments in helping to realize the comprehensive SDG agenda.
NGOs Seek Lawsuit to Delay Internet Transition
August 25, 2016
Think tank TechFreedom and a coalition of nongovernmental organizations have called for the US Congress to sue the White House to delay the transition of control of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") from the US to an international array of stakeholders, including some foreign governments accused of speech restrictions.
AI Criticizes Outcome of UN Refugee Meeting
August 10, 2016
Amnesty International has criticized governments for declining to place on the agenda of an upcoming UN summit on refugee resettlement an expansive "global compact" advocated by AI that would provide for the global governance of refugee distribution in countries around the world.
NGOs Seek Pledges Prior to UNHRC Elections
August 02, 2016
Showing the influence of activist organizations on national missions to the UN Human Rights Council, two nongovernmental organizations recently held a "pledging event" prior to UNHRC elections this autumn to pressure governments to make promises to advance elements of the global human rights agenda upon their election to the body.
AI: "National Interest" Threatens UN Refugee Deal
July 27, 2016
Amnesty International has criticized a group of countries for placing "selfish national interests" ahead of what AI says are the rights of refugees by seeking to narrow the scope of a "Global Compact" on refugee responsibility-sharing the UN is finalizing for a summit in September.
NGOs Criticize UNCTAD Trade, IP Involvement
July 20, 2016
Intellectual Property Watch reports that a letter published by a network of nongovernmental organizations calls on the UN Conference on Trade and Development to reject involvement in the promotion of "trade liberalization" and intellectual property rights and instead should focus on advancing the UN's agenda on "sustainable development."
NGO "Report Card" Evaluates Tech Companies on Human Rights
July 18, 2016
A group of nongovernmental organizations forming the Global Network Initiative has released a report reviewing the practices of technology companies that have adopted GNI standards for respecting the human rights of users and lamenting the lack of public information on corporate protection of privacy in this industry.
UNHRC Resolution Seeks NHRI Education Involvement
July 14, 2016
The Danish Institute for Human Rights explains its role in the passage of a UN Human Rights Council resolution that calls for the inclusion of national human rights institutions in developing national policies on human rights education and training.
Oxfam Scrutinizes Unilever Labor Rights Impact
July 14, 2016
Nongovernmental organization Oxfam and consumer goods company Unilever have collaborated on a report in which Oxfam reviews Unilever's impact on labor rights issues in Vietnam and calls for the company to improve its contributions to the business and human rights agenda.
AI Proposes Global System to Resettle Refugees
July 13, 2016
Amnesty International has published a document calling on governments to develop an international system to resettle all refugees meeting UN criteria through which countries would bind themselves to a standard determining the number of refugees for which they should be responsible.