NGO Watch®

  • Oxfam: UN Climate Deal Fails at "Adaptation" Funding

    May 23, 2016

    A report released by Oxfam asserts that the UN climate deal agreed in Paris in December 2015 fails to require sufficient financial pledges to fund efforts by poor countries to adapt to the effects of climate change.

  • NGO: Governments Must Integrate Rights into Climate Action

    May 20, 2016

    The Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice has produced a publication that calls on governments to integrate "the full range of human rights," including economic, social, and cultural rights, into their action to address climate change and seeks the inclusion of human rights considerations in national reports on climate action under the recent UN climate deal.

  • HRW: Return of Migrants to Libya Violates International Law

    May 18, 2016

    An article published by Human Rights Watch asserts that the pushback by the EU or NATO of "anyone" attempting to migrate from Libya to Europe violates international and European law and calls on authorities to bring such migrants to the EU for processing of their claims to asylum.

  • Academic Calls for Permanent Multinational Investment Court

    May 18, 2016

    Markus Krajewski of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg has called for the EU to push in its negotiations with the US over the provisions of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership for the creation of a permanent, multinational court with full-time judges that resolves disputes between investors and governments.

  • HRW: Governments Must Protect Rights in Climate Funding

    May 17, 2016

    As government representatives meet in Bonn, Germany, to determine how they will carry out the recently signed UN climate deal, a Human Rights Watch article calls on these representatives to review how best to commit funding to uphold the human rights of people around the world who are affected by global warming.

  • AI: Hungary Security Proposals Threaten Human Rights

    May 17, 2016

    Amnesty International has published a statement warning that the Hungarian government's proposed constitutional amendment that would grant the executive branch expansive powers to confront "terror threat situations" violates international human rights standards requiring strict controls on such emergency powers.

  • AI Calls for Global Compact on Sharing Refugees

    May 17, 2016

    Amnesty International has called on governments participating in various international meetings in 2016 to address the global migration crisis to agree to a "Global Compact" that would establish a permanent system of distributing refugees, including through "expedited" routes in the case of refugee emergencies, based in international human rights and refugee law.

  • Businesses Sign on to NGO Initiative on Recruitment

    May 11, 2016

    The Institute for Human Rights and Business has announced that five large companies have joined the NGO-supported Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment that seeks to place pressure on employers around the world to pay the costs of recruitment of their workers.

  • ICRC Rejects "Systematic" Detention of Illegal Migrants

    May 04, 2016

    The International Committee of the Red Cross ("ICRC") has published a policy paper calling for strict limits on government use of detention of "irregular migrants" and asserting that the "systematic" detention of such migrants contravenes international human rights law.

  • NGO, China Committee Push Global "Green Finance" Mechanisms

    April 25, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Paulson Institute and a committee affiliated with the People's Bank of China are developing recommendations to the G20 Green Finance Study Group on how to promote "robust global green finance mechanisms" in order to fund the "green transformation" of the world's economy.

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