White House Launches Initiative on Foreign Civil Society
September 24, 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama has issued a Presidential Memorandum directing U.S. agencies "to defend and strengthen civil society" in foreign countries and establishing "Regional Civil Society Innovation Centers" to train and connect nongovernmental organizations across the globe.
NGOs Call for UN to Consider "Climate Change Refugee" Protection
August 27, 2014
A group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") have complained that a recent UN conference for "small island developing states" did not issue a call to amend international treaties to require the legal protection of "refugees" who are fleeing their home countries due to global warming.
NGO Seeks "Sexual and Reproductive" Rights in UN Development Goals
August 27, 2014
Françoise Girard of the nongovernmental organization ("NGO") the International Women's Health Coalition writes that the UN must take into account "sexual and reproductive health rights" - often used to include abortion rights - in its upcoming "sustainable development goals" agenda.
Professors Analyze Social Science Approach to Human Rights
August 20, 2014
In a forthcoming book chapter, Professors Margaret Satterthwaite and Justin Simeone consider whether social science research offers a useful approach for human rights advocates to use in fact-finding procedures.
Report to UN Seeks "Deep Decarbonization" to Avoid Climate Change
August 06, 2014
A report from a group of nongovernmental organizations to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the eve of a major climate summit in September calls for countries to pursue "major changes" in their industries and to address "socio-economic development needs" in order to fight climate change.
HRW: U.S. Violates Treaty Obligations on Racial Discrimination
July 30, 2014
Human Rights Watch ("HRW") argues that the U.S. is in violation of its treaty obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination for, among other things, the disproportionate impact of the country's agricultural laws and the refusal of some states to extend Medicaid.
NGO: U.K. Justice Bill Would Violate UN Treaty Rights
July 30, 2014
The nongovernmental organization ("NGO") Client Earth has criticized a U.K. bill that it says would reduce court access for plaintiffs in environmental suits and is calling for the bill to be amended to take into account the UN's Aarhus Convention on the right to access justice for environmental claims.
NGOs: U.S. Surveillance Chills Freedom of Press, Access to Counsel
July 30, 2014
Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union have published a report arguing that mass surveillance by the U.S. Government has impeded the work of journalists and lawyers, who are concerned that their communications are being monitored.
NGOs Push General Mills into Climate Commitment
July 30, 2014
Food company General Mills has responded to a publicity campaign from a group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") by announcing its commitment to disclose the actions it is taking to counter climate change and signing on to a declaration to reduce its environmental impact.
NGOs Seek End to Capitalism to Advance Environmental Goals
July 24, 2014
Meeting in Venezuela, a group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") focused on environmental issues issued a declaration calling market-based strategies for reducing global warming ineffective and seeking a change from the capitalist system in order to advance their environmental agenda.