NISSEM Promotes SEL in Low and Middle Income Countries
November 12, 2019
NISSEM, a group of international academics and practitioners who have joined forces to promote the integration of Sustainable Development Goal Target 4.7 themes and related social and emotional skills into textbooks and other education materials, particularly in low- and middle-income countries ("LMICs"), are producing global briefs promoting a relatively narrow, selective strategy focused on educational materials.
U.S. Education Expert Urges Caution Over Social and Emotional Learning
November 06, 2019
In an EducationNext article, long-time education reformer Chester Finn, Jr. explains in detail why it is "time to put an ice pack on the fever for social and emotional learning."
German Court Rejects Greenpeace-Funded Climate Change Lawsuit
November 01, 2019
A Berlin Administrative court has thrown out a lawsuit filed by three farming families who, supported by Greenpeace, filed a lawsuit against Germany claiming that it is not doing enough to tackle climate change, with harm to their farms resulting from man-made global warming.
Businesses, Investors, and Experts Consider Use of Technologies in Monitoring Human Rights
November 01, 2019
On October 14, HUMAN organized a masterclass about supply chain trace-ability and the use of new technologies to monitor human rights issues on the ground, during which it secured views and experiences of companies, investors, and experts on how new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, block chain and satellite tech, offer insights in the human rights issues at play in global supply chains.
Murphy and Organ: UN Needs a World Citizen's Initiative Procedure
October 30, 2019
In a new paper, co-authors, Ben Murphy and James Organ, maintain that the United Nations needs to establish a World Citizen’s Initiative (WCI), a form of direct democracy that would enable citizens to place an issue on the UN agenda and trigger an institutional response.
Dalai Lama Calls for Teaching of "Secularized" Indian Religious Traditions in Schools
October 23, 2019
In a recent speech, Tibetan Spiritual Leader Dalai Lama explained that the current education system should teach ancient Indian religious traditions in a secular way, as they "can equip us with the logic and reason to tackle our destructive emotions and fully realise the potentials of our intelligence and emotional wellbeing."
Brookings Analyzes Public Spending Needs to Achieve SDGs
October 23, 2019
In a new paper, Brookings concentrates on what governments must do through public spending to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs").
Lissovolik: Scientific and Technological Community Should Govern Global Economy
October 23, 2019
Writing on the Valdai Discussion Club website, Veroslav Lissovolik explains how "one of the possible ways of stabilizing and depoliticizing the edifice of the global economy is to create a layer of global governance that focuses on technological development and that is governed to a greater degree by the leading representatives of the scientific and technological community rather than politicians."
NGOs Use Climate Crisis to Promote Education for Sustainable Development
October 15, 2019
Citing a climate crisis, environmental activists in Canada are convincing school officials to weave education for sustainable development ("ESD") into the curriculum, with 2,000 schools across Ontario securing the "EcoSchools" designation.
WWF Uses Doctored Photo to Plant Middle School Climate Change Meme
October 08, 2019
WWF Finland has apologized for using as part of an anti-climate change fundraising campaign aimed at middle school students a retouched photo of a polar bear and cub standing on a tiny ice flow, adrift in an ocean, when, in fact, in the original photo, the polar bears are set against an icy landscape with no ocean in sight.