NGOs Use Climate Crisis to Promote Education for Sustainable Development
October 15, 2019
Citing a climate crisis, environmental activists in Canada are convincing school officials to weave education for sustainable development ("ESD") into the curriculum, with 2,000 schools across Ontario securing the "EcoSchools" designation.
WWF Uses Doctored Photo to Plant Middle School Climate Change Meme
October 08, 2019
WWF Finland has apologized for using as part of an anti-climate change fundraising campaign aimed at middle school students a retouched photo of a polar bear and cub standing on a tiny ice flow, adrift in an ocean, when, in fact, in the original photo, the polar bears are set against an icy landscape with no ocean in sight.
UK Leads Effort for Global Protection of Oceans
September 25, 2019
The United Kingdom has announced the launch of the Global Ocean Alliance, a new global alliance to help drive action to protect the world’s oceans and their wildlife, including a push for the tripling of existing targets to ensure at least a third of the oceans is safeguarded in Marine Protected Areas by 2030.
Kwauk: Global Education Agenda Should Promote "Climate Action"
September 20, 2019
Criticizing the existing "neoliberal, capitalist, patriarchal values of a modern western education system" Brookings Fellow Christina Kwauk maintains that education should be the site where multiple sectors can come together to "multisolve" for climate solutions.
New Report Highlights Efforts Relating to Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence
September 18, 2019
The Global A.I. Governance Forum has published the outcome report from its 2018 Global Governance of AI Roundtable, during which a broad range of professionals from government, NGOs, industry, and academia gathered information, took inventory of policies, addressed key issues, and garnered "novel" perspectives on the global governance of artificial intelligence.
Public School Districts Increase Surveillance of Student Lives
September 16, 2019
In light of recent school-based violence, schools throughout the U.S. are investing in new security technologies that scan social media posts, school assignments, and even student emails for potential threats, including the Florida Schools Safety Portal, a data repository that will collect information from school discipline records, law enforcement and mental health and child welfare systems.
Amnesty International Urges Schools to Excuse Children for Climate Change Strikes
September 13, 2019
In a letter sent to Australian, Canadian, Hungarian, Spanish, New Zealand and UK education authorities, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Kumi Naidoo, has written a personal plea to more than 30,000 schools around the world urging them to allow children to take part in the unprecedented wave of global climate strikes planned for 20 and 27 September.
Amnesty International Calls Out Arms Companies
September 10, 2019
A new report by Amnesty International claims that major industry players are not undertaking adequate human rights due diligence, which could prevent their products from being used in potential human rights violations and war crimes.
SDG Forum Produces SDG Strategies
September 06, 2019
At the first Global Sustainability Forum, held in March 2019, an international delegation of people from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities produced five strategies for boosting the Sustainability Development Goals, or SDGs.
NGOs Promote "Cyber Peace"
September 04, 2019
As digital conflict and military action are increasingly intertwined and civilian targets are vulnerable to the crossfire, dozens of countries and hundreds of firms and nonprofits are working toward cybersecurity for all, or "cyber peace."