Scott: Australia’s Stand-off with Big Tech is Only The Beginning
February 24, 2021
Mark Scott writes for Politico that following Australia’s stand-off with Facebook, a new standard has been set that will have a significant impact as various countries worldwide attempt to define what the internet should resemble going forward.
NSL: Nearly 5,000 Hong Kong Citizens Apply for New UK Visa
February 23, 2021
Nearly 5,000 Hong Kong citizens sign up for new UK visa since London has made changes to its visa rules to give Hong Kong residents fleeing the New Security Law (NSL) a chance to settle in Britain.
Facebook Faces Criticism in Australia for News Ban
February 22, 2021
Politico reports that in a move quickly gaining international reactions, Facebook has created new rules blocking news content amid a dispute with the Australian government over a planned law leaving Australian users unable to view and share local and international news.
BBC World News Banned in Mainland China
February 16, 2021
After Britain revoked Chinese state television’s broadcast license, China barred Britain’s BBC World News from its television networks and Hong Kong’s public broadcaster said it would stop relaying BBC World Service radio.
Lai Case Reveals NSL’s Effect on Hong Kong’s Legal System
February 15, 2021
The conclusion of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA), concerning the case of Pro-Democracy Media Tycoon Jimmy Lai, ruled that the National Security Law (NSL) is a distinctive legal regime which runs in parallel with, and if necessary over-rides, the existing legal system in Hong Kong.
Biden Executive Order Includes Climate Refugee Study
February 15, 2021
President Biden’s recent executive order on refugees includes a study on the impacts of climate change on migration, as well as options for the "protection and resettlement of individuals" displaced by environmental change.
Heritage: The Future of the 1776 Commission
February 10, 2021
Angela Sailor writes that the 1776 Commission, which was cancelled on President Joe Biden’s first day in office, can continue outside of the federal government to promote the U.S. Constitution and the values that create unity and a stronger America.
Pro-Democracy Media Tycoon Jimmy Lai Denied Bail
February 10, 2021
Pro-democracy Media Tycoon Jimmy Lai, who has was arrested under the new national security law and who has been in custody since early December, has been denied bail by Hong Kong’s top court.
Brookings: Advancing Multilateralism in a Populist Age
February 09, 2021
Thomas Wright writing for the Brookings Institute, examines how multilateralists in the United States and Europe may strengthen a cooperative international order at a time when populism and nationalism are strong forces.
U.S. Supreme Court Lifts Ban On Indoor Church Services In California
February 08, 2021
In a 6-3 decision, The United States Supreme Court has ruled that California Governor Gavin Newsom’s orders banning indoor church services may violate the Constitution’s protections on religion, lifting the state ban on indoor religious gatherings.