China Increases its Military Spending by 7.2%
March 08, 2023
China has announced a 7.2% increase in its defense budget for the coming year, making it the world’s second-largest military budget behind the United States.
Dorminey: “Social Credit Scores” Coming For Federal Employees and Contractors?
March 08, 2023
Elizabeth K. Dorminey writing for the Federalist Society, investigates the recent Federal Register notice where the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has proposed an ongoing program of “suitability and fitness” vetting to establish “requirements and standards for agencies to properly vet individuals to assess risk to the integrity and efficiency of the service”, setting federal employees and contractors up for something similar to the Chinese social credit system.
Mulligan: Risks of Biden’s ‘Green Recovery’ Plan
March 08, 2023
According to Casey B. Mulligan writing in the National Review Online, President Biden’s ‘Green Recovery’ plans, which aim to shift energy use toward renewable sources will not only impose significant costs on consumers but would reduce national incomes by 2–3 percent.
U.S. House Committee Investigates U.S. State Dept.’s Silencing of Free Expression
March 01, 2023
The U.S. House Oversight Committee is questioning the State Department along with multinational companies, and progressive NGOs weaponize ESG social policies to thwart the free expression of conservative and traditional values in Europe and the U.S.?
JPMorgan Chase Abetted Sex Trafficker Epstein But Closed Conservative Accounts
February 28, 2023
The National Legal and Policy Center and the Free Enterprise Project have called out JPMorgan Chase & Co. for allowing sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein use his bank accounts to fund his illicit activities but cancelling the accounts of conservative political activists, calling upon the bank to disclose its policies about whom it does and doesn’t provide services to.
NRO: Indoctrination in Public Schools is Working
February 28, 2023
A new report from the Manhattan Institute’s Zach Goldberg and Eric Kaufmann highlights how America’s children are being transformed by public education which they argue, has become taxpayer funded activism for progressive ideology including Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Critical Social Justice, shifting children to the political left, despite their background.
JNS: Breakdown of Supreme Court Debate in Israel
February 28, 2023
Jerome M. Marcus writing in the Jewish News Syndicate breaks down the current Supreme Court Debate in Israel, highlighting the differences between the U.S. and Israeli judicial systems.
Lowry: Biden’s Push to Radicalize the U.S. Government
February 22, 2023
According to Rich Lowry writing in the NY Post, Joe Biden is pushing to radicalize the federal bureaucracy by his recent executive order to implement diversity, equity and inclusion in the Government wide process with the goal of advancing racial equity and underserved communities, with “anti-racist” writer Ibram X. Kendi as the head of his Office of Personnel Management.
Fairfax County, Virginia Public School Teach Students They are Inherently Biased
February 17, 2023
Documents obtained by the Washington Examiner reveal that Public Schools in Fairfax County, Virginia are teaching students that they harbor inherent biases based on their religious or ethnic background under the guise of social-emotional learning, requiring students to consider how their racial or religious background guides their opinion of behaviors.
Bill Gates, Elites Exploring AI to Censor Political Opponents
February 15, 2023
In an interview on a German program, “Handelsblatt Disrupt,” Gates calls for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to prevent specific viewpoints from being spread online which would combat “political polarization” by checking “confirmation bias.”