Russia and China Fueling Social Unrest in U.S.
June 03, 2020
According to an analysis of recent Twitter posts by POLITICO, Russia and China are flooding social media with content targeting the ongoing unrest and violence in the United States.
China Parliament Approves Plan to Impose Hong Kong Security Law
May 29, 2020
China’s parliament has approved plans to impose a security law on Hong Kong, which critics say may eradicate the city’s promised freedoms
FP: China Is Ramping Up Its Surveillance Capacity in Africa Through Infrastructure Projects
May 27, 2020
According to a Foreign Policy Security Brief, a new report shows how China is using infrastructure to expand its surveillance network on the African continent, making U.S. officials vulnerable.
Pompeo: China National Security Measure a 'Death Knell' for Hong Kong Autonomy
May 27, 2020
According to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, proposed national security legislation being considered by China and aimed at forbidding secessionist and subversive activity could be used to prevent further pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong.
Newsweek: Intelligence Reports Reveal China Malfeasance Relating to COVID-19 Pandemic
May 20, 2020
A Newsweek exclusive report reveals that Intelligence reports indicate that, as China hoarded medical supplies, it tried to stop the WHO from sounding alarm on the COVID-19 pandemic.
How the Coronavirus Pandemic Will Permanently Expand Government Powers
May 20, 2020
In Foreign Policy, several experts provide their views about how the COVID-19 pandemic will permanently expand government powers.
Turley: Reject Call for Increased Internet Governance
May 06, 2020
Responding to the recent call of Jack Goldsmith and Andrew Woods for increased government oversight of the Internet, Jonathan Turley attacks the “dangerous liberal ideas for censorship in the United States.”
House GOP Investigating Chinese Influence on US Campuses
May 06, 2020
The ranking members on seven U.S. House committees have sent a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to “seek a better understanding of the Department’s efforts to address unreported foreign direct investment into the U.S. higher education system."
US Religious Freedom Report Identifies India as Country of Particular Concern
May 01, 2020
An annual report released by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom ("USCIRF") has identified India as a country of particular concern, since religious minorities in the country have faced “increasing assault” since the 2019 elections.
NATO Chief Rebukes China Over Coronavirus Disinformation
April 22, 2020
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg sats that China's and other state-backed disinformation campaigns are exacerbating the COVID-19 health crisis.