Telecoms Company Makes Global Pledge on “Work-Life Balance”
July 26, 2019
French telecommunications company Orange has struck an agreement with UNI Global Union committing to gender equality in its global workforce, including by recognizing a “right to disconnect” and the ability to access “flexible working solutions.”
OECD Seeks Social, Environmental Reforms in Luxembourg
July 25, 2019
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has issued a report calling on Luxembourg to “foster the transition to a low-carbon economy,” especially through forcing financial institutions to report on climate risks, and to make the housing market more equitable and “inclusive.”
OECD Chief Criticizes Leaders for Climate Inaction
July 25, 2019
A speech by Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Angel Gurría warning world leaders they will be punished at the ballot box for failing to take action on climate change highlights the strong embrace by multilateral institutions of the wide-ranging climate agenda.
Economist Calls for Creation of World Carbon Bank
July 24, 2019
Harvard economics professor Kenneth Rogoff calls for the creation of a World Carbon Bank that would transfer funding and energy technology from rich countries to developing countries to help limit the growth of greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
OSCE Dialogue Focuses on Environmental Cooperation
July 23, 2019
Demonstrating the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) increasing embrace of an environmental element in security policy, the OSCE recently hosted a discussion among governments on how economic and environmental cooperation can be a key driver in conflict prevention.
World Bank Funds “Climate Resilience” in India
July 10, 2019
Highlighting the global development institution’s expanding focus on protecting developing countries from the impacts of climate change, the World Bank has agreed to a $250-million loan to provide for “climate resilience” programs in the Indian state of Kerala.
World Bank Identifies $43.1 Billion in MDB Climate Finance
June 19, 2019
A press release from the World Bank highlights the growth of “climate finance” by multilateral development banks (MDBs), reporting a 2018 figure of $43.1 billion in such funding for projects with the aim of combating climate change and limiting risks posed by global warming in developing countries.
OECD Warns of Uptick in Fossil Fuel Subsidies
June 19, 2019
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published a report expressing alarm regarding its finding of an uptick around the world in government incentives for fossil fuel companies, warning of the impact of oil and gas consumption on climate change.
OSCE Partners on Economic, Social Rights Training for NHRIs
June 12, 2019
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) recently hosted a program training NHRI participants to monitor economic and social rights, such as the rights to housing, education, and work, in their countries.
Committee Chair: OSCE Must Promote SDGs to Advance Security
June 05, 2019
The Chair of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s economic and environmental committee Nilza de Sena has called for the OSCE to promote the UN’s comprehensive social and environmental targets contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a means to advance security across Europe.