UN Rights Chief Promotes Corporate LGBTI Standards
January 29, 2018
In remarks at the World Economic Forum, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein has called on businesses around the world to join a growing list of companies that have accepted new standards developed by his UN office on promoting LGBTI equality as part of their employment practices, consumer treatment, and public-relations campaigns.
Commission Warns US on Deportation of El Salvadoreans
January 22, 2018
Telesur reports that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has warned that the US could be violating its international human rights obligations by following through with the Trump Administration's decision to revoke Temporary Protected Status for thousands of El Salvadoreans who came to the US after two powerful earthquakes in their home country in 2001.
IMF Report Nudges Vietnam on Green Growth
January 18, 2018
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) evaluation of Vietnam's response to the impacts of climate change, calling on the country's government to "adapt its economy toward a more sustainable and ecofriendly growth model," demonstrates how the IMF is shifting its focus toward pushing for climate-friendly development in response to global warming.
IACHR Recognizes Right to Same-Sex Marriage
January 11, 2018
The BBC reports that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), an arm of the Organization of American States that issues rulings on human rights issues in the region, has ruled that its members must recognize a right of same-sex couples to marry and rejected the establishment of a separate legal regime governing same-sex relationships.
OSCE Official Criticizes Latvian Expulsion of Reporter
January 09, 2018
The Baltic Review reports that the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Desir, responding to a demand from the Russian Foreign Ministry, has called on Latvia to rescind its decision to expel a Russian news reporter the Latvian government has deemed a threat to the country's national security.
EU-Supported Research Warns of Increase in Climate Refugees
January 08, 2018
The Daily Mail reports that research commissioned and funded by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre indicates that asylum applications to EU member states will triple by the year 2100 due to the impacts of climate change on developing countries, fueling calls to create new institutions to handle such "climate refugee" flows.
OSCE Official Opposes US "Net Neutrality" Decision
January 04, 2018
In the lead-up to the decision by the US Federal Communications Commission to roll back rules prohibiting internet providers from discriminating against certain internet content, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir warned that such reform of US "net neutrality" policy would violate international standards on freedom of expression.
OECD Pushes Environmental Reforms in Switzerland
January 02, 2018
A report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) calls on the Swiss government to adopt an "action plan" to improve biodiversity in the country and to expand its carbon taxes to help meet global climate commitments.
IACHR Judges Move to Bind All States with Rulings
December 15, 2017
Dr. Marianna Orlandi of the Center for Family & Human Rights reports that judges of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) called, at a recent session in Panama, for the recognition of a doctrine under which all countries in the Americas are bound to the human rights judgments of the IACHR, including those loosening restrictions on abortion and gay marriage.
World Bank Bond Project Incentivizes Low-carbon Business Practices
December 14, 2017
The World Bank has completed the second repayment of bonds under its Pilot Auction Facility, a program designed to “promote private sector investment in climate action” through an incentivized bond regime.