Transnational Bodies

  • EU Group Promotes SDGs as "New World Order"

    August 09, 2017

    The European Economic and Social Committee hosted a conference in May pushing for EU recognition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a "new world order" and calling for SDG promotion with the aim of "helping to fight climate change and becoming a more equal society."

  • Development Banks Partner on "Climate Resilience"

    August 09, 2017

    In May, the European Investment Bank signed a $110 million financing agreement with the Caribbean Development Bank to fund efforts toward "climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience projects" in the Caribbean.

  • OECD: Massive G20 Climate Funding Will Boost Growth

    August 07, 2017

    Reuters reports that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has predicted a five percent boost in economic growth for Group of 20 countries (G20) in 2050 if the governments of these countries invest $6.9 trillion annually in "clean infrastructure" between now and 2030.

  • WEF Warns of Inequality, Climate Risks in Arab Region

    August 07, 2017

    A report from the World Economic Forum (WEF) pinpoints "rising income and wealth disparity" and global warming as among the trends analysts and businesses are most concerned will impact Arab countries in the coming years.

  • WEF Panel Pushes ASEAN Integration, Safety Nets

    August 07, 2017

    Speakers on a panel at a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Cambodia on the future of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) called for a combination of regional economic integration and "social safety nets" to open up free trade while dealing with the negative impacts of globalization.

  • Paper: G20 Must Prepare for "Climate Refugee" Crisis

    August 07, 2017

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation has published a paper pushing leaders of the Group of 20 countries (G20) to pursue law and policy reforms within the global governance system to prepare for the resettlement of massive numbers of "climate refugees" who will be forced to leave their homes due to global warming.

  • NATO Official Warns of Climate as Security Threat

    August 03, 2017

    The Independent reports that, in the lead-up to US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the UN's Paris climate agreement, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) supreme allied commander for transformation General Denis Mercier warned that the US's departure from the deal would pose a "global security threat."

  • OSCE Supports "Human Rights Education" in Tajikistan

    August 03, 2017

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) recently supported a training course in Tajikistan in which "human rights trainers" from Belarus taught civil society activists how to teach school children about the global human rights agenda.

  • OSCE Supports "Environmental Awareness" Textbook

    August 03, 2017

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has demonstrated its continuing focus on promoting the global environmentalist movement by supporting the publication of a textbook in Kazakhstan seeking to enhance "environmental awareness" among students.

  • World Bank Hosts Climate Finance "Innovation" Meeting

    August 03, 2017

    In May, the World Bank Group partnered with the governments of Spain and Germany to host an "Innovate4Climate Finance and Markets Week" in Barcelona gathering representatives from the public and private sectors to discuss how to push more investments toward projects whose aim is to mitigate the impacts of global warming.

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