Transnational Bodies

  • OSCE Report Seeks Expansive US Electoral Reforms

    January 25, 2017

    In its final report on the US elections in November 2016, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights called for a litany of changes to the country's electoral process to bring it in line with international standards, including by expanding representation in overseas territories and reviewing voting restrictions for those with criminal convictions.

  • Countries Call on OECD to Monitor Health Systems

    January 25, 2017

    At a recent meeting in Paris, government health ministers from countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) called on the OECD to create new methods for monitoring the performance of their health systems, in order to pave the way for the international organization to recommend reforms to their national health policies.

  • US Initiates Withdrawal from TPP

    January 25, 2017

    In a blow to the multilateral trade agreement negotiated by the Obama Administration, US President Donald Trump has directed the US Trade Representative to withdraw the country as a signatory to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement negotiated with 11 other governments.

  • WEF Signs Businesses to Sustainability Compact

    January 25, 2017

    At its recent meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a document for signature by all participants called The Compact for Responsive and Responsible Leadership to commit business leaders to a "corporate governance framework" embedding the UN's sustainable development agenda in company operations.

  • OSCE Official Expresses Concern on UK Media Law

    January 24, 2017

    OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović has warned of threats to the freedom of expression involved in UK legislation requiring media sources that are not members of an official press regulator to cover the legal costs of plaintiffs in libel and privacy cases, even when the media defendant wins the case.

  • WEF Deepens Global Governance Cooperation with China

    January 24, 2017

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has signed a memorandum of understanding with China’s National Development and Reform Commission with the aim of increasing collaboration between WEF and China over the next 10 years, including on global economic governance, climate change initiatives, and China's regional "Belt and Road" infrastructure initiatives.

  • WEF Signs Plastics Companies to Action Plan

    January 24, 2017

    The World Economic Forum has highlighted how international and nongovernmental organizations seek to make binding policy changes out of business pledges by signing more than 40 leaders from plastic companies to a New Plastics Economy initiative setting out a "global action plan" on expanding recycling practices.

  • WEF Seeks Global Governance for "Inclusive" Growth

    January 23, 2017

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has produced a report calling for new standards of measuring global economic performance, including by ranking economies on "carbon intensity," and proposing a "coordinated international initiative" on developing a socially "inclusive" framework of economic growth around the world.

  • WEF: 2017 Challenges Require "Reform" of Capitalism

    January 19, 2017

    The World Economic Forum's (WEF) 2017 Global Risks Report calls for "reforming market capitalism" to deal with such challenges from the agenda of global governance institutions as climate change, "intensifying national sentiment," and increasing income and wealth inequality.

  • CoE Group Calls for US Anti-Corruption Reforms

    January 19, 2017

    The Council of Europe's Group of States against Corruption has published a report calling on the US government to "further enhance" its protections against corruption through measures including requiring more transparency in legislative lobbying and reconsidering the requirement to re-appoint certain federal judges.

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