OSCE Trains Counter-terrorism Authorities on Rights
December 06, 2016
At a recent training course for Spanish law enforcement, intelligence, and military authorities in Madrid, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights emphasized a focus on the human rights of victims, potential offenders, and police officers in the performance of counter-terrorism operations.
Global Energy Body: Climate Pledges Are Inadequate
December 05, 2016
The International Energy Agency has warned that national pledges made as part of the UN climate deal agreed in Paris last year are inadequate to prevent catastrophic levels of global warming and has called for ambitious actions by governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
Security Organization Promotes "Green Economy"
December 05, 2016
At the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Aarhus Centres Annual Meeting in Vienna, the OSCE gathered government officials and nongovernmental organizations to discuss how countries have pursued "resource efficiency, green economy and environmental protection" under the Aarhus Convention to promote the global "sustainability" agenda.
OSCE Official: UK Anti-Terror Law Threatens Media
December 05, 2016
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović has warned that the recently approved UK Investigatory Powers Bill threatens media freedom by permitting government surveillance of journalists and requiring internet service providers to retain connection data for use by law enforcement.
Russia Cuts Ties to ICC
December 05, 2016
Citing the institution's ineffectiveness and lack of independence, and following a verdict from the body on Russia's recent actions in Crimea, the Russian Foreign Ministry has confirmed the country's intent, under a directive signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, to no longer seek to become a full party to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
OECD Mayors Initiative Launches "Inclusive Growth" Plan
December 02, 2016
Meeting in Paris, a group of 50 mayors from around the world participating in the OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth Initiative launched a "comprehensive," global action plan to reduce income inequality and ensure that economic growth in urban areas is sufficiently "inclusive."
WEF Experts Seek "Values" in Tech Products
December 01, 2016
At the first meeting of its elite Network of Global Future Councils in Dubai, hundreds of nongovernmental, business, government, and international organization representatives convened by the World Economic Forum discussed how technology companies must embed "values," such as health and education, in their products to avoid widening economic disparities.
Essay Outlines Multi-Tiered OECD Role in Global Governance
November 30, 2016
An essay by former Director of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ron Gass explores the broad and multi-tiered role - from international to local policy - he envisions for the OECD in the future of global governance and implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
OSCE Highlights Points of "Weakness" in US Election
November 29, 2016
While they credited the recent US elections as largely "well-run," OSCE monitors criticized "intolerant discourse" during the campaign, called voter identification laws "unnecessary obstacles for voters," claimed a lack of nationwide voting standards as a "weakness," and warned of voting restrictions for convicted felons and residents of certain jurisdictions.
Global Entities Seek Increased Climate Finance for Islands
November 28, 2016
The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the World Bank, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development have published a report pushing for a more coordinated global system of development finance for island countries to counter the future catastrophic impacts of climate change.