Transnational Bodies

  • OSCE Official Warns Italy on Defamation Legislation

    June 10, 2016

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, has called on the Italian Senate to consider legislation increasing the maximum criminal punishment for defamation in light of the legislation's potential chilling effects on the freedom of speech and the press.

  • WEF Meeting Promotes ASEAN Integration

    June 09, 2016

    National leaders at a recent World Economic Forum on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations called for greater integration of policies among the countries comprising the economic area in order to contribute to faster economic growth.

  • Article: EU Investment Court Fails to Resolve ISDS Concerns

    June 09, 2016

    David Schneiderman of the Centre for International Governance Innovation writes that the permanent investment court proposed to replace the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism in the Canada-EU trade agreement will still threaten governments' ability to regulate health, safety, and the environment on behalf of their citizens.

  • Regional Development Banks Sign Cooperation Framework

    June 09, 2016

    The European Investment Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have signed an agreement deepening collaboration between the two development institutions, including on "tackling" global warming and promoting sustainable development initiatives.

  • G-7 Intervenes in Brexit Debate

    June 09, 2016

    Bloomberg reports that, at a recent meeting in Japan, national leaders of the G-7 group of countries adopted a communique warning of the global economic and security risks that would attend a British exit from the EU in an upcoming referendum.

  • NATO Plans Intelligence Chief Post

    June 06, 2016

    The Hill reports that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is paving the way for the creation of the position of Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence, which would facilitate the analysis and sharing of intelligence on threats to treaty members, with a focus on terrorist threats from groups like the Islamic State.

  • Bosworth: G-7 Declines in Global Economic Governance

    June 01, 2016

    Prior to a recent meeting of leaders of the Group of 7 countries in Japan, Barry Bosworth of the Brookings Institution highlighted the declining role of the G-7 in governance of the global economy compared to more diversified groups, such as the G-20, that "can make greater claim to being representative of participating countries."

  • US, Nordic Nations Agree to Climate Action

    May 25, 2016

    The Washington Post reports that the White House and leaders from five Nordic countries have adopted an agreement to apply stringent environmental standards to commercial activities in the Arctic region in order to avoid exacerbating the effects of global warming.

  • Global Aviation Emissions Curbs Would Cost Billions

    May 23, 2016

    Reuters reports that the International Air Transport Association has estimated that the cost for businesses of a global agreement on airline greenhouse gas emissions to be agreed by governments at a fall assembly of the International Civil Aviatiation Organization would be $6.2 billion in the year 2025 and $24 billion by the year 2035.

  • WEF Investment Partnership Advances "Sustainability" in Africa

    May 20, 2016

    The World Economic Forum has announced that its Sustainable Development Investment Partnership is creating a regional hub in Africa to fund infrastructure projects that advance progress on the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030.

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