Transnational Bodies

  • WEF Article Seeks Way Forward for Global Governance

    February 29, 2016

    Two staff members at the World Economic Forum ("WEF") write on the WEF website that global governance systems must be adaptable and pragmatic to survive in the current world and that actors must establish a kind of governance that incentivizes long-term over short-term interests.

  • Article Calls for Reintegration of Cuba at IMF

    February 24, 2016

    Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") Senior Fellow James Boughton argues that, following up on the closer relationship between the US and Cuba under President Barack Obama, the US should make clear to Cuba that it will not seek to block any application from the country for membership at the International Monetary Fund ("IMF").

  • Huizinga: ICC Shows European Commitment to Global Governance

    February 24, 2016

    Todd Huizinga of the Acton Institute writes that the commitment of EU members to the empowerment and expansion of the International Criminal Court ("ICC") and the US's disaffection with the institution demonstrate a growing clash between the US and Europe on the use of global governance to solve world problems that may one day become irresolvable.

  • OSCE Calls for Election Reforms in Canada

    February 11, 2016

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") has called for numerous reforms to the Canadian electoral system following its parliamentary elections in 2015, including by strengthening "the equality of the vote between constituencies" and by putting in place a "legal basis" for international observation of the country's elections.

  • OECD Warns Countries on Political Finance Rules

    February 10, 2016

    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has released a report warning member countries that they must tighten regulation and enforcement of rules on political finance, including "loopholes" such as spending by third parties, in order to "restore trust in democracy."

  • WEF Seeks Global Governance to Capitalize on Technologies

    February 10, 2016

    Chriss Street writes that the recent World Economic Forum ("WEF") in Davos focused on how world actors from governments, business, and nongovernmental organizations could confront the coming "Fourth Industrial Revolution," involving "profound" advances in technology, to remain ahead of the curve in global regulatory governance.

  • ICC Investigates Georgia-Russia Conflict

    February 03, 2016

    CNN reports that the International Criminal Court ("ICC") has authorized its prosecutor's office to investigate potential war crimes committed by military forces in the conflict between the Republic of Georgia and Russia in 2008.

  • OSCE Hosts Forum on "Environmental Governance"

    February 01, 2016

    As international organizations increasingly seek to further the UN's environmental agenda, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE"), an organization established to enhance cooperation on security matters, recently held a forum in Vienna on how best to pursue "environmental governance" and management of natural resources.

  • OSCE Official Objects to Danish Refugee-Funding Proposal

    January 29, 2016

    An official from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") Isabel Santos has called on Danish Members of Parliament to reject a government proposal permitting border authorities to confiscate valuables of asylum-seekers entering the country in order to help fund their stay.

  • WEF Report Calls for "Rethinking" Global Governance

    January 20, 2016

    Global Risks report issued by the World Economic Forum ("WEF") has identified climate change as a security threat over the next fifteen years and calls for the overhaul of the global-governance system to engage more stakeholders, including private actors, on the world's security.

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