Observers Call for Rejection of International TTIP Court
December 08, 2015
Ted Bromund and James Roberts of the Heritage Foundation and Dr. Riddhi Dasgupta write that the US should oppose, in its negotiation of a Transnational Trade and Investment Partnership ("TTIP") agreement with the EU, the creation of a permanent "Investment Court System" that would lack checks on its authority and be empowered to award pecuniary damages.
Climate Fund Approves First "Green" Investments
December 07, 2015
The global Green Climate Fund has announced that it has approved its first eight investments, amounting to $624 million, to help combat global warming by financing "mitigation and adaptation measures" in developing countries.
OSCE Official Issues Warning on Use of UK Anti-Terror Law
December 03, 2015
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's ("OSCE") Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic has expressed her concern regarding the potential "chilling effect" on the freedom of the press of the UK's use of anti-terror legislation to seize the computer of a journalist corresponding with the Islamic State.
OSCE Stresses Climate Change as Security Threat
December 03, 2015
At a recent "Security Days" event in Vienna, Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") Lamberto Zannier warned that climate change is "posing significant and growing risks to security" and that there must be global efforts toward "mitigation and adaptation" of the phenomenon to contain these risks.
Martin: G20 Must Strengthen Global Institutions
December 02, 2015
Former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin writes that the G20 group of countries must cooperate to strengthen institutions of global governance in order "to make globalization work."
OECD Forum Seeks Global Tax Cooperation
December 01, 2015
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") recently held a Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes in order to sign up new countries containing financial centers to an international agreement to automatically exchange tax information.
Publication Continues UN Push for "Global Citizenship Education"
November 30, 2015
The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") and other international organizations have released a publication calling for countries to include "global citizenship" and human-rights education in children's curricula in order to achieve "peaceful, sustainable and inclusive societies."
Green Climate Fund Supports Climate Change "Adaptation" Measures
November 18, 2015
An articles from the Thomson Reuters Foundation highlights how the international Green Climate Fund is seeking to redistribute billions of dollars from developed to developing nations in the coming years to help poor countries take measures to adapt to the coming effects of climate change.
IMF Promotes Activist Economic Equality Agenda
November 18, 2015
In recent remarks to Oxfam America, International Monetary Fund ("IMF") Managing Director Christine Lagarde called for the reduction of income inequality and the "empowerment" of women as ways for countries to grow their economies.
WEF Summit Pushes Global Governance Reform
November 11, 2015
The World Economic Forum's ("WEF") recent Summit on the Global Agenda 2015 focused on how current institutions of global governance are "ill-equipped" to handle modern challenges and called for redesigning governance systems to usher in a "Fourth Industrial Revolution."