EU Organizes Joint Event with NHRIs
July 16, 2015
The European Commission recently organized a meeting of the regional networks of national human rights institutions ("NHRIs"), bodies charged with promoting and protecting human rights, in order to encourage international and regional cooperation among NHRIs with an eye toward the UN's sustainable development agenda and its impact on human rights.
OSCE Pushes Legal Human Rights Education in Ukraine
July 15, 2015
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") recently sponsored a summer school for professors in Ukraine discussing best practices in teaching legal and human rights concepts, including "practical implementation of human rights standards."
OSCE Warns of French Order to Delist Search Results
July 15, 2015
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic has warned that an order from the French data protection authority demanding that Google delist a set of search results on all of the website's domain names represents a threat to freedom of information.
Development Banks Commit $400 Billion for SDGs
July 15, 2015
A group of multilateral development banks has announced that it will extend over $400 billion in financing over the course of three years in order to help achieve the ambitious and extensive UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), to be adopted in September.
India, Pakistan Join Russia-China Cooperation Organization
July 15, 2015
The Council on Foreign Relations has published an article on the risks and benefits of the announced expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ("SCO"), a regional grouping led by Russia and China, to include India and Pakistan, which the SCO members view as key to consolidating economic power and security in the region.
OECD: Canada Should Give More Help to Laid-off Workers
July 13, 2015
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has issued a report calling for Canada to implement a series of reforms in order to provide more assistance to laid-off workers, including by extending the duration of employment insurance benefits and spending more on labor market programs.
OECD Calls for Economic Alignment with UN Climate Agenda
July 10, 2015
In recent remarks, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") Secretary-General Angel Gurría argued that, in light of the UN agenda on climate change, and continued efforts toward an international agreement on greenhouse gas emissions, countries must reconsider their investment in coal-based energy.
Four BRICS Governments Call for Climate Finance
July 09, 2015
Four governments from the global BRICS group - Brazil, India, China, and South Africa - have criticized "developed countries" for failing to produce a clear plan to provide $100 billion per year by the year 2020 to poorer countries to help them counter and adapt to global warming.
OSCE Official Weighs in on EU Migrant Quota Debate
July 09, 2015
Isabel Santos of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") Parliamentary Assembly has praised an EU proposal of a quota system for the resettlement of a wave of migrants in Southern Europe and criticized countries for "protecting their own interests" in denying the entry of migrants.
BRICS Nations Develop Global Governance Priorities
July 08, 2015
Sergey Kulik of the Council on Foreign Relations reports that Russia and its fellow countries in the BRICS Group (Brazil, India, China, and South Africa) are seeking to determine their future priorities, particularly in political and economic cooperation, in order to broaden their influence over global governance.