UN Body Promotes Socio-Economic Dimensions of “Right to Life”
February 14, 2019
Lucy McKernan and Bret Thiele of the nongovernmental organization Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights praise the UN Human Rights Committee for promoting an expansive definition of an enforceable “right to life” that includes rights to environmental protection, housing, and sustainable development.
NGO Pushes for ILO Treaty on Rights of Women Workers
February 14, 2019
Aruna Kashyap of Human Rights Watch calls on apparel companies to support the development of a binding global treaty, to be administered by the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO), to tackle harassment of and violence against women in clothing supply chains.
UN Treaty Body Opposes Rejection of Anti-Torture Mechanism
February 06, 2019
The UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture has warned the Governor of São Paulo, Brazil, that his recent veto of legislation to establish an anti-torture mechanism places his state in violation of its international human rights treaty obligations and has called on the state legislature to reverse the veto.
UN Body: Finnish Court Ruling Violated Indigenous Rights
February 05, 2019
The UN Human Rights Committee has concluded that the decision of a Finnish court to expand the electoral roll of eligible candidates for an election of the parliament of the indigenous Sámi people violated the country’s international obligations to respect self-determination and indigenous rights.
Australian State Lawmakers Critique Broad Human Rights Bill
February 05, 2019
The Brisbane Times reports that legislation in Queensland, Australia, creating a Human Rights Commission and recognizing a broad set of rights - including social and cultural rights imported from international treaties - is facing criticism from some lawmakers who warn it will encourage “frivolous complaints.”
UN Body Receives Complaint over NZ Prisoner Voting Rights
January 31, 2019
A New Zealand barrister has announced plans to file a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee over the refusal of the country’s government to grant prisoners the right to vote, arguing the voting restriction violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
New Zealand Official Confesses to “Broken” Justice System at UNHRC
January 22, 2019
In remarks to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) during its periodic review by countries including Saudi Arabia, New Zealand Justice Minister Andrew Little said his country’s justice system is “broken” and resulted in discrimination against women and the indigenous population.
UN Body Calls for Revision of Canadian Law on Indigenous Status
January 21, 2019
The UN Human Rights Committee has concluded that Canadian law continues to discriminate against Indigenous women by distinguishing between women and men in determining the recognized status of Indigenous people who marry non-Indigenous partners.
Gennarini: Abortion Is “Original Sin” of UN System
January 11, 2019
Stefano Gennarini of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) identifies “indifference to human life in the prenatal phase” as “the original sin” in the UN human rights system and argues that, through its promotion of “sexual and reproductive health rights,” the UN is currently “the loudest and most influential” advocate for legalizing abortion.
NGO Report Finds Push by UN Treaty Bodies for Abortion Access
January 09, 2019
Dr. Rebecca Oas of the Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam) has published a study of UN treaty monitoring bodies indicating that they are increasingly pressuring governments, in their periodic reviews of countries’ human rights records, to recognize a right to abortion access as a treaty obligation.