United Nations

  • US Qualifies Position on Environmental Rights at UNHRC

    March 28, 2017

    At a recent UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) discussion on "human rights and the environment," the US delegation to the UNHRC agreed with a consensus of states on the importance of protecting the environment but expressed concerns about the inclusion of environmental protection and development in the human rights context.

  • UN Official Urges States to Prioritize "Personal Well-Being"

    March 27, 2017

    UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed celebrated the International Day of Happiness by calling for national governments to implement policies that foster "personal well-being" over economic growth, arguing that achievement of the UN's comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires "inclusive, equitable and balanced approaches" to development.

  • UN Maintains Call for "Urgent" Climate Action

    March 27, 2017

    In a recent address to an event at the UN General Assembly on global warming, UN Secretary-General António Guterres dismissed the legitimacy of any debate over the need for "urgent and decisive" action to combat climate change and called on governments to implement their commitments to the UN climate deal agreed in Paris in 2015.

  • UN Report: Nationalism, Inequality Prevent Development

    March 27, 2017

    The most recent Human Development Report from the UN Development Programme identifies "narrow self-identities," including nationalism, and economic inequality as barriers to "peaceful, just, and sustainable development."

  • UN Panel: Increased Efficiency Will Pay for Climate Action

    March 27, 2017

    Citing research from its International Resource Panel, the UN Environment Programme has asserted that the best way for governments to pay the trillions of dollars necessary to implement the UN's climate change agenda is through "smarter and more efficient use of the world’s natural resources."

  • UNESCO Lab Promotes "Equity-Weighted Policies"

    March 27, 2017

    A recent UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) press release on its Inclusive Policy Lab demonstrates how the UN agency is seeking to push national governments to implement "inclusive and equity-weighted policies" as part of the UN's agendas on "sustainable development" and economic rights.

  • UNESCO Promotes "Citizenship Education" at Dubai Forum

    March 24, 2017

    UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova participated in various events at the recent Global Education & Skills Forum in Dubai to promote her organization's "Global Citizenship Education" agenda, which targets young people with curricula on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how to expand "understanding between cultures."

  • UNESCO Features Piece Condemning "Extreme Economic Inequality"

    March 24, 2017

    An article in UNESCO's World Social Science Report 2016 by the executive director of Oxfam International asserts that governments must combat the "unfair and morally lacking" phenomenon of "extreme economic inequality" through redistributive policies such as progressive income tax policies and the expansion of social protection schemes.

  • White House Proposes UN Climate Budget Cuts

    March 24, 2017

    The website Climate Home outlines how the Trump Administration's proposed budget appears to target for funding cuts various multilateral initiatives established to combat global warming, including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the UN's Green Climate Fund.

  • World Bank Approves Grant for "Green Energy" in China

    March 24, 2017

    As part of the organization's drive to advance the UN's climate agenda, the World Bank has approved a grant from the Global Environment Facility designed to push the Chinese government toward increased energy efficiency, a reduction of the country’s dependence on coal, and better reporting on national progress toward implementing environmental goals.

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