United Nations

  • UN Uses Urban Initiatives to Advance Climate Agenda

    November 30, 2016

    Officials participating in the recent UN climate summit in Marrakesh, Morocco, highlighted transnational urban initiatives, such as the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy and a tool launched at the conference that observers will use to monitor cities' climate "adaptation commitments," established to fulfill the UN's "sustainability" agenda.

  • UN Seeks National Laws on Resources in Conflicts

    November 30, 2016

    The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) has published an article outlining efforts by UN bodies, led by the Environment Assembly and the International Law Commission, to push governments to implement national policies protecting natural resources in the event of "conflict situations."

  • UNESCO Promotes Climate Curricula in Schools

    November 30, 2016

    During the proceedings of the recent UN climate summit in Marrakesh, Morocco, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released a set of guidelines for policymakers around the world to use their education systems to promote the UN's sustainable development and climate change agenda.

  • Returned UK Funds Show "Climate Finance" Complications

    November 30, 2016

    The Guardian reports that the shutdown of a World Bank "Climate Change Resilience Fund" for Bangladesh, and the resulting return of £13 million to the UK, over a dispute with the Bangladeshi government regarding how the funds would be used reflects a revolt by the poor country opposing donor oversight of how it uses such "climate finance."

  • UN Seeks Hundreds of Billions for Climate "Adaptation"

    November 29, 2016

    At the recent UN climate summit in Marrakesh, Morocco, the UN Environment Programme called on developed countries to triple by 2030 the $100 billion commitment they made to poor countries during last year's Paris climate talks to help them adapt to future global warming impacts, and to quintuple these commitments by 2050.

  • World Bank Scales up MENA Climate Finance

    November 29, 2016

    The World Bank has announced the launch of its Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate Action Plan, under which it will seek to double its financing of "climate action" over the next four years by supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support adaptability to global warming impacts in the MENA region.

  • California Joins Climate-Friendly Urban Planning Initiative

    November 28, 2016

    The World Bank has announced that the State of California has agreed to partner with the Bank's "Global Platform for Sustainable Cities" to promote "sustainable" urban planning in China and other countries to help these countries meet their commitments under the UN climate deal that entered into force earlier this month.

  • UN Agents Criticize Result of California Murder Trial

    November 28, 2016

    A group of UN human rights mandate holders have called on California Governor Jerry Brown to halt the execution of a man convicted of murder due to what they characterize as reports of a flawed trial that violated the man's right to due process, asserting that carrying out the execution would be a "flagrant contravention of the United States’ national and international obligations."

  • UN, EU Bodies Discuss Future Governance of "Work"

    November 28, 2016

    The UN's International Labour Organization and the European Economic and Social Committee recently organized a conference in Brussels to discuss with representatives of nongovernmental organizations a global agenda for addressing future challenges to work, including those presented by climate change and income inequality.

  • Experts Offer Climate "Pathway" for New US Administration

    November 22, 2016

    Nicolas Loris and Steven Groves of the Heritage Foundation offer a series of steps for the next US Administration to "unwind" US participation in the UN's Paris climate deal, which entered into force earlier this month, including withdrawal from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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