United Nations

  • Civil Society Organizations Object to UN-WEF Partnership

    September 27, 2019

    In a recent letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres, hundreds of civil society organizations expressed their displeasure over a new partnership framework between the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, which they view as a transformational event resulting in the corporate capture of the UN.

  • OECD/UNDP Initiative Leading to Increased Tax Collections

    September 26, 2019

    According to the new Annual Report of Tax Inspectors Without Borders ("TIWB"), a joint OECD/UNDP program, the international community has made important progress in improving developing countries’ ability to tax multinational enterprises and boost domestic revenue, with the TIWB initiative generating nearly $500 million in additional revenue for developing countries through April 2019.

  • UK NGO Claims Brexit Will Aggravate Human Slavery and Trafficking

    September 25, 2019

    Citing a report by the Social Market Foundation, Harry Sanders of the Immigration Advice Service claims that Brexit will increase the number of cases of modern slavery and trafficking, as "legal migration routes close and UK businesses suffer from vast workforce shortages in the face of diluted access to talent pools."

  • Multilateral Agencies Launch Plan for Better Global Health

    September 25, 2019

    At the September 24 session of the United Nations General Assembly, 12 multilateral agencies launched Stronger Collaboration, Better Health: Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All, a joint plan to better support countries over the next 10 years to accelerate progress towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Trump Administration Highlights Religious Liberty at United Nations

    September 25, 2019

    On September 23, the United States held an event titled "Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom," at which President Donald Trump, Vice-President Mike Pence, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke about the importance of protecting religious freedom through multilateral, national, and business initiatives.

  • UN Migration Agency and Partners Promote Global Governance of Migration and Health

    September 18, 2019

    An article in a series developed by The BMJ, the UN Migration Agency, and the Migration Health and Development Research Network explains that failure to improve the global governance of migration and health will jeopardize action towards major global health targets, most notably that of universal health coverage.

  • Cities Pledge to Report to UN on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

    September 18, 2019

    At the upcoming United General Assembly meetings, more than a dozen cities will commit to implementing global goals to end poverty, inequality, and other challenges by 2030, including Accra, Barcelona, Bristol, Cape Town, Los Angeles, and Mannheim.

  • UN Chief: Human-Triggered Climate Change Causing More Intense and Frequent Natural Disasters

    September 16, 2019

    While viewing the devastating damage in the Bahamas caused by Hurricane Dorian, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres linked an increase in the intensity and frequency of natural disasters to human activity triggering climate change.

  • UNCTAD Encourages Commodity-Dependent Countries to Diversity Economies

    September 13, 2019

    The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has asked the countries dependent on commodities to diversify their economies to survive the climate crisis, including to adopt policies such as strengthening human capital through investments in education and health, and targeted measures to promote individual sectors.

  • UN Expert Scientist Report to Facilitate UNGA Review of SDG Progress

    September 13, 2019

    An independent group of scientists appointed has produced the Global Sustainability Report, the first-of-its-kind report to inform the quadrennial Sustainable Development Goal review deliberations at the UN General Assembly, consisting of surveys on scientific findings from ocean livelihoods, to sustainable consumption, production, and disaster risk management, among other issues.

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