United Nations

  • UN Warns of Disastrous Global Warming Health Effects

    June 27, 2016

    Citing increased risks of droughts, floods, heat waves, and disease, a report from the UN Environment Programme and the UN Economic Commission for Europe identifies climate change as one of the most important threats to human health in the "pan-European region."

  • Honduras Uses UN System to Meet Climate Targets

    June 23, 2016

    A press release from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change surveys the record of Honduras in using the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism, which provides "credits" for greenhouse gas emissions-reducing projects and pushes countries to report progress in their emissions reductions.

  • Iran Files ICJ Claim on US Anti-Terror Measures

    June 22, 2016

    The UN's International Court of Justice has announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran has launched proceedings against the US for alleged violations of US treaty obligations by subjecting the assets of Iran and its entities to judicial proceedings due to Iran's support for international terrorism.

  • Heritage Paper: US Should Withdraw from UNFCCC

    June 21, 2016

    A Heritage Foundation paper argues that, to avoid the economic impacts of the UN's climate agenda, comply with federal law by withdrawing funding for an agency that recognizes Palestine as a member, and end the circumvention of the US Senate's treaty ratification authority, the US should withdraw from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

  • UN Launches Global Standards on School Meals

    June 21, 2016

    The UN's World Food Programme, the World Bank, and Imperial College London’s Partnership for Child Development have published guidance for countries on improving their national school feeding programs in line with global standards.

  • UN Praises US-India Agreement on Climate Action

    June 20, 2016

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has lauded US and Indian leaders for their joint statement on accelerating the timetable for bringing into force the UN climate deal agreed in Paris in 2015 and encouraged them to work through various international instruments and bodies, including the G-20 group of countries, to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

  • UNESCO Schools Advance Climate Change Education

    June 20, 2016

    A group of French schools affiliated with the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization are promoting the UN's climate agenda through workshops teaching children of ages 4 to 17 to produce art on the dangers of global warming.

  • UN Seeks Climate Action Plans for 2050

    June 20, 2016

    Environment officials and UN "climate champions" Hakima El-Haite and Laurence Tubiana have called on governments to send roadmaps on their plans for low-carbon economies by the year 2050 in preparation for a UN climate conference in late 2016.

  • China Seeks More US Support for UN Climate Deal

    June 17, 2016

    China’s special representative on climate change, Xie Zhenhua, has called on the US to do more to support efforts to protect poor countries from the impacts of climate change under the UN deal on greenhouse gas emissions agreed in 2015 and to quickly bring the climate pact into force as the 2016 US presidential election approaches.

  • UN Agents: Ireland Violates Rights of the Homeless

    June 17, 2016

    Asserting that homelessness is evidence that a government has failed to protect social and economic human rights, two UN human rights rapporteurs have blamed lack of housing assistance and "austerity" measures for problems with access to water and sanitation for homeless people in Cork, Ireland.

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