United Nations

  • WHO Director-General to Call for Adoption of Universal Health Coverage

    September 04, 2019

    At the upcoming High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage at the UN General Assembly, World Health Organization Director-General Ghebreyesus will call on the participating Member States to make the political choice for universal health coverage.

  • UNCTAD Promotes Global Green New Deal Policies to Young Scholars

    September 03, 2019

    At the 2019 Summer School the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (“UNCTAD”) recently convened, leading economists explained to young scholars and policymakers how “the current multilateral system needs to change because it has triggered financial instability, widespread inequality and climate change.”

  • WHO to Monitor Global Research on Human Genome Editing

    September 03, 2019

    A World Health Organisation (“WHO”) expert advisory committee has approved the first phase of a global registry to track research on human genome editing, as the UN’s international public health monitor seeks to address the ethical and regulatory challenges surrounding new technologies to address gene-based treatments.

  • UNDP Chief Urges Faster Implementation of SDGs

    August 29, 2019

    In a recent interview promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Development Program Administrator Achim Steiner expressed the need to "embrace the challenge of transformation," stating that failure to meet the goals would ultimately raise the risk of social unrest, ecological collapse and economic crisis at a global scale.

  • DESA, INTOSAI Take Step Toward Auditing SDG Implementation

    August 28, 2019

    The UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs (DESA) and the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative (IDI) take a step toward auditing government implementation of the SDGs.

  • Eden: Social and Emotional Learning Constitutes “Social Engineering”

    August 28, 2019

    In a National Review commentary, Max Eden compares the increasingly global social and emotional learning movement to the failed Common Core movement.

  • UNESCO Convenes World Youth Conference on Kindness

    August 27, 2019

    The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development organized the first World Youth Conference on Kindness, with the aim to impart critical competencies in global youth to transform themselves and build long-lasting peace in their communities.

  • Politicization of Human Rights Undermines Legitimate Aspirations

    August 26, 2019

    John Tasioulas explains how, by presenting political demands as human rights, activists risk blurring the line between genuine rights and laudable aspirations.

  • Business Green Details Lack of Progress on SDG 10 on Equality

    August 26, 2019

    A recent article in Business Green magazine opines that the lack of progress on SDG 10 to reduce inequality within or among countries "undermines the wider sustainable development agenda and hampers efforts to tackle the climate crisis."

  • Samsung and UNDP Partner to Promote SDGs

    August 22, 2019

    To help the UN Development Programme promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd. is offering the new ‘Samsung Global Goals’ app, which "will give consumers easy and effective ways to learn more about each of the 17 Global Goals and take part in small actions to help support the issues that matter most to them."

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