United Nations

  • UN Meeting Seeks Sustainability Through "Ocean Governance"

    March 04, 2016

    At a meeting in Flanders organized by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO"), government and other representatives discussed how governance of coastal and marine areas could contribute to the advancement of the UN's sustainability agenda.

  • UN Chief Calls for Open Borders for Migrants in Balkans

    March 03, 2016

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has indicated that international law requires that countries along the "Balkan land route" between Greece and Western Europe keep borders open to migrants from the Middle East and "expand legal pathways" to accessing asylum.

  • UN Plans Convention on "Higher Education Qualifications"

    March 03, 2016

    The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") has announced plans to convene a committee to develop a Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications to "improve academic mobility" and further global cooperation on issues related to higher education.

  • UNOHCHR Criticizes Countries for Shutting off Migrant Routes

    March 02, 2016

    The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ("UNOHCHR") has criticized an agreement among police forces in Austria, Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia to limit the entry provide for the removal of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East as potential violations of international human rights and refugee law.

  • UN Mandate Holders Seek Sweeping Guantanamo Investigation

    March 02, 2016

    Following the Obama Administration's proposal of a plan to close the US's Guantanamo Bay detainment facility, a group of UN human rights mandate holders called for a broader pronouncement that would provide for the investigation and prosecution of all those alleged to have committed human rights violations at the facility.

  • US Congress Hearing Implicates UN Agency Chief in Scandals

    March 02, 2016

    At a hearing of a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, witnesses accused the head of the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization ("WIPO") of scandals ranging from providing computer equipment to North Korea to cracking down on whistleblowers and called for the US to attempt to remove the WIPO chief from his post.

  • UN Committee Elects Syrian Diplomat as Rapporteur

    February 29, 2016

    Patrick Goodenough writes that a UN special committee dealing with decolonization issues has sparked an outcry among nongovernmental organizations by electing a diplomat from the Syrian Government, which has regularly faced accusations of atrocities against its people during an ongoing civil war in the country, as its rapporteur.

  • UN Official Pushes Preventive "Responsibility to Protect"

    February 29, 2016

    Using the chaos in Syria as an example of the failure of the international community to fulfill its "responsibility to protect," agreed at a UN summit in 2005, UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson called on countries to put this principle in action by intervening early in conflicts to prevent calamities including genocide and crimes against humanity.

  • UN Agency Criticizes European Refugee Controls

    February 26, 2016

    Complaining of the lack of a "comprehensive and coordinated approach" in the EU to deal with refugees from North Africa and the Middle East, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has criticized attempts by countries, through a variety of means, to reduce the number of migrants claiming asylum in their borders.

  • UN Science Report Warns Against Brexit

    February 26, 2016

    A UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") Science Report warns of "far-reaching" negative impacts of Britain's departure from the EU on scientific research, predicting that the move could cause a reduction in "international flows of knowledge" and lead to a rise in "anti-immigration" sentiment in the UK.

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