United Nations

  • UN Guidance Criticizes "Politicization" of Refugee Crisis

    December 22, 2015

    The UN High Commissioner for Refugees ("UNHCR") has issued a report guiding countries how to maintain security while admitting large flows of refugees and calling for governments to "de-dramatize" and "de-politicize" such security challenges in order to prevent what one UNHCR official warned was growing "xenophobia and vilification" directed toward refugees.

  • UN Warns of Climate-Caused Food Disasters

    December 22, 2015

    The UN Food and Agricultural Organization ("FAO") has warned that climate change is causing a number of natural catastrophes that are posing a threat to the food supply in developing countries and calls for increased investments in efforts to limit global warming to increase food security.

  • World Bank Pursues African Climate Strategy to Defeat Poverty

    December 22, 2015

    Blaming past greenhouse gas emissions for limiting anti-poverty efforts in Africa, the World Bank Group has issued a strategy for providing billions of dollars in funding for "climate-resilient" and "low-carbon" development to reduce poverty on the continent.

  • World Bank Continues Pressure for Carbon Tax

    December 22, 2015

    During the recent UN climate talks in Paris, the World Bank Group pressured governments to tax the emission of carbon in order to limit global warming, launching a Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition among leaders of various governments and sectors and announcing a $500 million initiative to cut greenhouse gases and set up carbon taxes in developing countries.

  • Development Banks Pledge Support for Climate Agenda

    December 22, 2015

    On the eve of the recent UN climate negotiations in Paris, officials from the world's largest development banks, including the World Bank Group, promised a significant increase in funding to climate-related projects and expressed support for a set of voluntary principles for financial institutions to "mainstream" action on global warming across their operations.

  • UN Agency Seeks Pro-Labor Policies in Greece

    December 21, 2015

    The UN's International Labour Organization ("ILO") has announced that it is working with the Greek Government to include "collective bargaining and social dialogue" policies in the country's reforms to grow the economy and reduce unemployment.

  • UN Highlighted Climate Catastrophes Prior to Summit

    December 21, 2015

    Attempting to show a link between climate change and weather-related disasters prior to the recent UN conference among world leaders on climate change in Paris, the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction released a report estimating that 90 percent of global disasters in the last twenty years have been climate-related.

  • UN: Nationality-Based Migrant Restrictions Violate Rights

    December 21, 2015

    Calling for Balkan States to increase their capacity for migrants from the Middle East, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned that policies in the region of "profiling" migrants and asylum seekers based on their nationality violates international human-rights law.

  • Coalition Pushes US to Recognize Rights in Climate Deal

    December 18, 2015

    A coalition of nongovernmental organizations recently published a letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry, in the lead-up to the recent UN climate conference in Paris, calling for the US to support recognition in the deal that countries must respect the global human-rights agenda when responding to threats from climate change.

  • WHO Predicts Lives Saved Through Climate Action

    December 17, 2015

    In the lead-up to the recent UN climate summit in Paris, the UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") placed pressure on delegates by estimating that climate change currently causes tens of thousands of deaths per year and that a deal to reduce global warming could save 2.4 million lives per year by the year 2050.

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