United Nations

  • Saudi Arabia Withdraws UNHRC Presidential Candidacy

    June 10, 2015

    UN Watch reports that, facing intense pressure from human rights group and other countries over its candidacy to lead the UN Human Rights Council ("UNHRC"), Saudi Arabia has withdrawn from the running for the position.

  • Israeli Diplomat Criticizes Politicization of UNRWA

    June 10, 2015

    At the 65th Anniversary of the establishment of the UN Relief and Works Agency ("UNRWA") to aid Palestinian refugees, Israel's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN David Roet argued that the politicization of the UNRWA agenda has prevented it from fulfilling its humanitarian mandate.

  • Abuse Allegations Force UN Chief to Appoint Review Panel

    June 10, 2015

    George Russell reports that UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, faced with growing criticism of his handling of recent sex abuse allegations against forces involved in UN peacekeeping operations, has announced the formation of an independent review panel to investigate the allegations.

  • UNESCO Seeks Development Goals on Freedom of Expression

    June 09, 2015

    Highlighting the expansive scope of the UN's proposed Sustainable Development Goals and the lack of objective tools to measure their achievement, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") has called for the goals to include promotion of the freedom of expression around the world.

  • WHO Adopts Resolution on Climate and Health

    June 08, 2015

    With participating countries stressing the importance of countering climate change to health, the annual assembly of the UN's World Health Organization ("WHO") recently adopted a resolution calling on countries to pursue policies to reduce air pollution and promote the UN sustainability agenda.

  • French Minister: UN Climate Deal Must Sidestep US Congress

    June 08, 2015

    French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has stated that a UN global climate agreement countries are negotiating this year must be worded in such a way to avoid consideration by the US Congress because he says the body will refuse to adopt such a deal.

  • UN Committee Grants Group with Hamas Ties Observer Status

    June 05, 2015

    Fox News reports that the UN Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations has granted observer status to the Palestinian Return Centre, which critics and Israeli officials say is an arm of the Palestinian group Hamas that denies the right of Israel to exist.

  • UN Rights Observers Criticize Secrecy of Trade Pacts

    June 05, 2015

    A group of UN observers have called on countries negotiating multinational trade deals - such as the US - to conduct these negotiations transparently and with participation from civil society groups, arguing that secret discussions on such trade deals could violate citizens' economic, social, and cultural rights.

  • UN Agent Warns on Human Rights Impact of Greek Debt Deal

    June 04, 2015

    The UN Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky has called on the Government of Greece, European institutions, and the International Monetary Fund to come to a deal on Greece's repayment of debt that respects the economic and social rights of the Greek people.

  • Report: UN Food Program Lacked Spending Safeguards

    June 04, 2015

    George Russell reports that the UN World Food Program's ("WFP") Office of the Inspector General has found that the WFP lacked safeguards to prevent the use of money for specifically designated projects for other purposes.

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