United Nations

  • UN Aid Office Subject to Control by North Korea Regime

    January 14, 2015

    George Russell reports that the UN Children's Fund ("UNICEF") office in North Korea is unable to monitor where a portion of its aid is sent in the country and has been forced to accept dozens of staff members from the regime of dictator Kim Jong Un.

  • Fund: Groups Use UNHRC as "Political Weapon"

    January 07, 2015

    John Fund writes that the attempt of nongovernmental organizations to use the UN Human Rights Council ("UNHRC") to criticize the government of Sri Lanka demonstrates how groups around the world have politicized the concept of human rights in order to attack their opponents.

  • UN Criticizes EU Migration Policies

    January 07, 2015

    The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has expressed alarm over the halt of an EU search and rescue operation for migrants in the Mediterranean Sea and has called on the bloc to provide greater access to refugees who wish to cross its boundaries.

  • Pope Seeks Advance of Global Climate Agenda

    December 31, 2014

    The Guardian reports that Pope Francis is preparing an Encyclical on "climate change" that supports UN environmental global governance.

  • Auerbach: UNRWA Fools U.S. State Department

    December 31, 2014

    Jerold Auerbach writes that the U.S. State Department must cease its support of the UN Relief and Works Agency ("UNRWA"), which the UN tasks with caring for Palestinian refugees, and which he argues has inflicted sustained suffering on the population it was created to protect.

  • UN Group Celebrates U.S. Release of Cuban Nationals

    December 24, 2014

    The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has praised the U.S. decision to release three Cuban nationals the Working Group argues were subject to arbitrary detention by U.S. authorities but whom U.S. officials have maintained were intelligence agents working for the Cuban Government.

  • Mariaschin: Palestine Circumvents Israel with UN Resolution

    December 24, 2014

    Daniel Mariaschin writes that by seeking the adoption of a resolution in the UN Security Council setting a date for the creation of a Palestinian state, the Palestinian Authority is seeking to marginalize Israel in peace negotiations.

  • UN Praises Treaty on Regulation of Arms Trade

    December 24, 2014

    The UN has hailed the entry into force of its Arms Trade Treaty ("ATT") as an instrument of global governance to regulate the international exchange of weapons.

  • UN Pushes Curricula on Climate Change in Schools

    December 24, 2014

    At a recent UN conference on global warming in Lima, Peru, the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization adopted a declaration calling on governments around the world to include climate change in school curricula in order to promote "climate awareness" among children.

  • NGO Cautions on Effects of UN Ebola Response

    December 24, 2014

    Despite optimistic claims by the UN agency tasked with fighting the ebola crisis in West Africa, the nongovernmental organization ("NGO") Doctors Without Borders says the UN response has been inefficient and has made little "tangible difference" in fighting the crisis.

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