Groves Warns of Risks to U.S. Sovereignty
July 11, 2014
Steven Groves of the Heritage Foundation writes that the Obama Administration has placed at risk the hard-won national sovereignty of the U.S. in pushing for ratification of international treaties that would subject U.S. citizens "to the whims of unelected foreign bureaucrats."
UN Maintains Nontransparent System of Spending on Staff
July 11, 2014
The U.S. Government Accountability Office has produced a report finding that the UN system of compensation for its staff is not sufficiently tracked to permit the international organization and its member states to propose potential modifications and reforms.
UN Pressures Countries to Abolish Capital Punishment
July 11, 2014
At a UN conference exploring "best practices" in placing a moratorium on the death penalty, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on all countries to "end this cruel and inhumane practice."
UN Seeks Climate Change Recognition in Refugee Laws
July 11, 2014
UN agency officials have called for amendments to international treaties on refugees to include requirements for countries to grant asylum to those fleeing their countries due to global warming-related natural disasters.
China, Russia Seek UN Treaty Restricting Space Weapons
July 11, 2014
China and Russia have submitted a proposal to a UN disarmament conference calling for a legally binding treaty banning countries from deploying weapons in outer space.
UN Offers Prize for Data on Climate Change
July 10, 2014
The UN has announced a competition seeking projects that produce large quantities of data evaluating the supposed economic effects of global warming, as it seeks to validate the near-apocalyptic predictions in the recent reports of its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
UN Backs Human Rights-based Approach to Development
July 10, 2014
As the UN prepares its post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, aimed at reducing poverty and increasing "sustainable" growth, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other UN officials have called for this agenda to be based on human rights, including nontraditional economic rights.
Ban Calls for Commitment to UN Global Ocean Governance
June 19, 2014
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on countries to commit to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which governs the use of oceans and sets up an international tribunal that decides disputes at sea, and to use it as a basis to fight global warming.
UN Pushes Compact for Cities on Climate Change
June 19, 2014
At a recent meeting, Executive Director of the UN Human Settlements Programme Joan Clos encouraged thousands of cities to commit to a global compact seeking increased cooperation to limit greenhouse gas emissions.
UN Praises U.S. Restrictions on Greenhouse Emissions
June 19, 2014
UN officials have lauded President Barack Obama's recent announcement that the U.S. government will more tightly regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, encouraging other countries to follow this U.S. example in order to combat what they perceive as the threats of global warming.