United Nations

  • Haley Criticizes UN Report on "Extreme Poverty" in US

    June 22, 2018

    US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has characterized a report from a UN human rights mandate holder criticizing the US for permitting "extreme poverty" within its borders as a "patently ridiculous" attempt by the international organization to politicize human rights and as a way to deflect attention away from regimes that engage in actual rights abuses.

  • UN Rights Chief Condemns US Migration Policy

    June 22, 2018

    UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein has weighed in on the US debate over immigration policy, labeling it a matter of human rights that the Trump Administration abandon its "unconscionable" policy of separating children from their parents entering the US illegally or to claim asylum.

  • Schaefer: Flaws in UNHRC Sparked US Exit

    June 20, 2018

    Brett Schaefer of the Heritage Foundation argues, using data from the history of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), that the Trump Administration's decision to exit the body is the right one and not indicative of "hostility" toward the international community.

  • Experts: US Faces Struggle in Prioritizing Religious Freedom

    June 13, 2018

    Aaron Rhodes of the Forum for Religious Freedom–Europe and Roger Pilon of the Cato Institute write that US officials will struggle in efforts to restore international religious freedom due to a rising movement seeking to "contextualize" freedom within a legal framework elevating economic and social rights and banning "hateful" speech.

  • UK Submits Long-term Climate Strategy to UN Agency

    June 08, 2018

    The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has announced that the UK has become the eighth country to submit a "long-term low-emissions strategy" to the body, showing how it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by the year 2050 as part of its efforts to achieve its pledges under the 2015 Paris climate accord.

  • China Meets Paris Climate Targets Three Years Early

    June 08, 2018

    The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has announced that China will meet its 2020 carbon-emissions targets pledged under the 2015 Paris climate accord three years early, highlighting the low ambition of the climate deal as it relates to developing countries and the pre-existing trend toward low-carbon energy when the deal was launched.

  • UN Rights Agent Assesses Sweden's "Solidarity"

    June 07, 2018

    Demonstrating the embrace by the UN human rights system of the "right to development," UN Independent Expert Obiora Okafor recently visited Sweden to examine whether the country is sufficiently promoting "human rights-based international solidarity" in its global development assistance and environmental action.

  • UN Observer Blasts "Contempt for the Poor" in US

    June 06, 2018

    UN human rights mandate holder and New York University Professor Philip Alston concluded in a recent report that the Trump Administration has shown "contempt for the poor" through policies including tax cuts "for the very wealthy" and a "systematic assault on the welfare system," warning that widening economic inequality is threatening democracy.

  • UN Agent: Indonesia Must Overcome Food Rights Challenges

    June 06, 2018

    UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food Hilal Elver has warned that the Indonesian programs are failing to sufficiently promote the nutritional rights of its people, particularly as the country sustains impacts from global warming, and called on authorities to adopt a "human rights based approach to food security."

  • UN Rights Observer Warns Ghana on "Social Protection"

    June 06, 2018

    Illustrating the embrace by the UN human rights apparatus of the economic, social, and cultural rights agenda, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Philip Alston has warned Ghana that, without prioritizing "social protection" and reducing wealth inequality, it will fail to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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