United Nations

  • WHO Sparks Outcry with Mugabe Appointment

    October 25, 2017

    The appointment by the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) of Robert Mugabe, the longtime president of Zimbabwe with a "track record of human rights abuses," a "goodwill ambassador" of the organization - an appointment the WHO has since rescinded - points to the WHO's ongoing, controversial relationships with authoritarian governments.

  • NGO: China Uses UN Machinery to Silence Critics

    October 25, 2017

    A report from Human Rights Watch accuses China of running a campaign to weaken the UN's global human rights mechanisms by blocking Chinese human rights groups from participating in activities revealing the country's rights abuses at UN bodies, and criticizing UN officials for, at times, acquiescing to Chinese demands to silence its critics.

  • Article Criticizes UNESCO Promotion of "Sexual Rights"

    October 20, 2017

    In a recent article, Dr. Marianna Orlandi of the Center for Family & Human Rights raises concerns with a report published by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that she says promotes the recognition of "sexual and reproductive health rights" and "comprehensive sexuality education" among children.

  • NGO Questions UN Agent on Payments from Russia

    October 20, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization UN Watch recently questioned UN Special Rapporteur Idriss Jazairy on the relationship between his report calling Russia a victim of human rights violations due to US and EU sanctions against the country and payments he received from the Russian government totaling $50,000.

  • Western Countries Push for UNHRC Reform

    October 20, 2017

    The US, UK, and Dutch delegations to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) co-hosted an event on UNHRC reform and issued a joint statement arguing that the continued presence of "serial human rights violators" on the UNHRC undermines its status as a human rights advocate.

  • Report Shows UN Failure to Address Peacekeeper Abuse

    October 20, 2017

    The Associated Press has released a report detailing the UN’s lack of effective response to widespread allegations of sexual abuse committed by UN peacekeepers, stating that “the U.N. failed to meet many of its pledges to stop the abuse or help victims.”

  • British PM Threatens to Cut UN Funding

    October 20, 2017

    Sky News reports that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has called for UN reform and announced that 30 percent of the UK’s annual contributions to UN agencies will be “conditional on their ability to show they are efficient and transparent.”

  • French President Pitches Global Environmental Pact

    October 19, 2017

    French President Emmanuel Macron presented a proposal at the UN General Assembly for a global environmental agreement that would guarantee the right to a clean and healthy environment by fighting climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation.

  • NGO: UN Mishandled Sexual Abuse Allegations

    October 19, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Code Blue has claimed to have obtained evidence of “egregious mishandling” of investigations into sexual abuse allegations surrounding UN peacekeepers in the Central African Republic.

  • Former Ambassador Dismisses UN Reform Efforts

    October 19, 2017

    Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton has dismissed the US-sponsored draft declaration in support of UN reform efforts recently presented by President Trump, saying the draft is “just the usual rhetoric” and is unlikely to produce meaningful change.

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