International Organizations

  • WHO Admits China Never Reported the Existence of Coronavirus Outbreak

    July 07, 2020

    Following a report from the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee finding evidence that China covered up the coronavirus's spread, muzzled whistleblowers, intimidated doctors, misled the WHO, and blocked outside health experts, the World Health Organization (WHO) backtracked on its assertion that the Chinese government alerted the United Nations agency about the coronavirus outbreak

  • Putin Wins the Right to Extend his Rule Until 2036 by a Landslide

    July 03, 2020

    Russians spent the last week voting in favor of constitutional changes that will allow Vladimir Putin to run for president twice more, potentially extending his rule until 2036.

  • China's Military and Economic Ambitions are Growing in Europe and the Arctic.

    July 01, 2020

    According to a top U.S. Admiral and Western analysts, recent evidence points to continued Chinese military and economic interest in gaining control over important shipping lanes or seaports.

  • U.N. Chief Guterres Calls for Global Governance

    July 01, 2020

    In a speech marking the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Charter U.N. Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, called for greater global governance in the form of “a networked multilateralism, bringing together the UN system, regional organizations, international financial institutions and others.“

  • AP: China Forces Birth Control on Uighurs to Suppress Population

    July 01, 2020

    According to an AP investigation, based on government statistics, state documents and interviews with 30 ex-detainees, family members, and a former detention camp instructor, the practice of forced birth control, including abortions, is far more widespread and systematic than previously known.

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