International Organizations

  • Trump Orders Suspension of WHO Funding

    April 15, 2020

    President Donald Trump has ordered a suspension of payments to the World Health Organization, accusing the WHO of failing to do enough to stop the COVID-19 virus from spreading when it first surfaced in China.

  • NY Post: Trump Administration Weighs Legal Action over Alleged Chinese Hoarding of PPE

    April 08, 2020

    According to the New York Post, in response to receiving news from leading U.S. manufacturers of medical safety gear that China prohibited them from exporting their products outside of China as the coronavirus pandemic mounted, the Trump Administration is weighing legal action against China for trying to corner the world market in personal protective equipment ("PPE").

  • Carnegie Endowment: How Will the Coronavirus Reshape Democracy and Governance Globally?

    April 08, 2020

    In an article written for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Fellows Frances Brown, Saskia Brechenmacher, and Thomas Carothers explain how global leaders should prepare to respond quickly to the transformative impacts the COVID-19 pandemic will likely have on multiple dimensions of democratic politics and governance.

  • Li: Balance Privacy Rights and Use of Personal Data for Global Public Health

    April 08, 2020

    Writing in Slate, Tiffany C. Li explains how to strike a balance between protecting privacy and using personal data-driven technology to address global health challenges.

  • Precise COVID-19 Patient Tracking Data Raises Privacy Concerns

    April 06, 2020

    As government officials in South Korea, Singapore and China rely on phone location data to carry out extremely precise and targeted “contact tracing” for people who test positive for the virus, in the U.S., the application of the same technology raises serious privacy and constitutional concerns.

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