Stimson Center Proposes Boosting the Reach and Resilience of International Justice Institutions
May 01, 2020
In a January, 2020 Policy Brief, the Stimson Center called for an increase in the universal acceptance of international justice institutions, in particular the International Court of Justice ("ICJ") and the International Criminal Court ("ICC").
US Religious Freedom Report Identifies India as Country of Particular Concern
May 01, 2020
An annual report released by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom ("USCIRF") has identified India as a country of particular concern, since religious minorities in the country have faced “increasing assault” since the 2019 elections.
UN/OSCE/OAS Publish Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Elections in a Digital Age
May 01, 2020
The United Nations ("UN") Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ("OSCE") Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the Organization of American States ("OAS") Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression have published a Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Elections in a Digital Age
Bloomberg: UN Urges $1 Trillion Debt Pardon for Developing Economies
April 28, 2020
According to the United Nations, a global authority should be created to help implement $1 trillion in debt cancellation for developing countries to free up funds to fight the coronavirus pandemic and avert a massive debt crisis.
U.N. Backs Down on Partnership With Chinese Firm for 75th Anniversary
April 22, 2020
The United Nations has backtracked on a pact with the Chinese telecommunications giant Tencent Holdings to provide videoconferencing and text services for the international organization’s 75th anniversary.