Carnegie Endowment: How Will the Coronavirus Reshape Democracy and Governance Globally?
April 08, 2020
In an article written for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Fellows Frances Brown, Saskia Brechenmacher, and Thomas Carothers explain how global leaders should prepare to respond quickly to the transformative impacts the COVID-19 pandemic will likely have on multiple dimensions of democratic politics and governance.
Li: Balance Privacy Rights and Use of Personal Data for Global Public Health
April 08, 2020
Writing in Slate, Tiffany C. Li explains how to strike a balance between protecting privacy and using personal data-driven technology to address global health challenges.
Precise COVID-19 Patient Tracking Data Raises Privacy Concerns
April 06, 2020
As government officials in South Korea, Singapore and China rely on phone location data to carry out extremely precise and targeted “contact tracing” for people who test positive for the virus, in the U.S., the application of the same technology raises serious privacy and constitutional concerns.
Pro Publica: China Built a Twitter Propaganda Machine and Let It Loose on Coronavirus
April 01, 2020
Since August 2019, ProPublica has tracked more than 10,000 suspected fake Twitter accounts involved in a coordinated influence campaign with ties to the Chinese government, which Chinese authorities are using to spread propaganda relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cliffe: COVID-19 Bio-surveillance Measures May Threaten Freedom
April 01, 2020
Writing in NewStatesmanAmerica, Jeremy Cliffe explains whey the creation and distribution of bio-surveillance power in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic should be the primary concern of the friends of democracy and civil liberties.