JNS: Breakdown of Supreme Court Debate in Israel
February 28, 2023
Jerome M. Marcus writing in the Jewish News Syndicate breaks down the current Supreme Court Debate in Israel, highlighting the differences between the U.S. and Israeli judicial systems.
Lowry: Biden’s Push to Radicalize the U.S. Government
February 22, 2023
According to Rich Lowry writing in the NY Post, Joe Biden is pushing to radicalize the federal bureaucracy by his recent executive order to implement diversity, equity and inclusion in the Government wide process with the goal of advancing racial equity and underserved communities, with “anti-racist” writer Ibram X. Kendi as the head of his Office of Personnel Management.
Fairfax County, Virginia Public School Teach Students They are Inherently Biased
February 17, 2023
Documents obtained by the Washington Examiner reveal that Public Schools in Fairfax County, Virginia are teaching students that they harbor inherent biases based on their religious or ethnic background under the guise of social-emotional learning, requiring students to consider how their racial or religious background guides their opinion of behaviors.
Progressive International Re-Emerges to Build a New International Economic Order for the 21st Century
February 17, 2023
Following the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Progressive International has organized delegates from over 25 countries to renew the promise of global co-operation assembling in Havana to declare their intent to build a New International Economic Order (NIEO) fit for the 21st century with a new political vision.
Bill Gates, Elites Exploring AI to Censor Political Opponents
February 15, 2023
In an interview on a German program, “Handelsblatt Disrupt,” Gates calls for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to prevent specific viewpoints from being spread online which would combat “political polarization” by checking “confirmation bias.”