International Organizations

  • UNESCO Aspires to Regain Prominence in Global Education Arena

    January 08, 2020

    After years of funding cuts, politicization, and growing competition from other education actors, such as the Global Education Forum, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization ("UNESCO") is pursuing a new strategy to step up its coordinating role for the global education community.

  • UN Official Takes Parting Shot at "Populist Authoritarian Nationalists"

    January 01, 2020

    As he departs his post, Andrew Gilmour, the outgoing United Nations assistant secretary-general for human rights, blames "populist authoritarian nationalists" in North America, South America, Europe and Asia for "a backlash against human rights on every front, especially the rights of women and LGBT communities."

  • UNGA Adopts Resolution on "Education for Sustainable Development"

    December 31, 2019

    On December 19, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution Education for Sustainable Development that calls upon the international community to scale up education for sustainable development in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

  • Lietz: Arctic Council and Germany Need Sustainable Approach to Arctic Development

    December 31, 2019

    In light of the increased accessibility to the Arctic region due to climate change, former EU MEP from Germany, Arne Lietz, describes how member states in the Arctic Council and Germany should cooperate for sustainable development of the region.

  • UNGA Condemns Russian Attempts to Legitimize Crimea Annexation

    December 23, 2019

    On December 18, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning all attempts by the Russian Federation to legitimize its attempted annexation of Crimea, including the automatic imposition of Russian citizenship, illegal election campaigns and change of the demographic structure of the population of Crimea.

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