International Organizations

  • Businesses, Investors, and Experts Consider Use of Technologies in Monitoring Human Rights

    November 01, 2019

    On October 14, HUMAN organized a masterclass about supply chain trace-ability and the use of new technologies to monitor human rights issues on the ground, during which it secured views and experiences of companies, investors, and experts on how new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, block chain and satellite tech, offer insights in the human rights issues at play in global supply chains.

  • UN Expert Warns of Privacy Concerns Over Health Data

    October 30, 2019

    The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy, Joseph Cannataci, has unveiled a set of international standards on how health data should be used and protected, warning of enormous threats to privacy if the industry is not regulated.

  • Kemileva: UN Inefficiencies Undermine Effective Handling of Individual Petitions

    October 30, 2019

    Kamelia Kemileva, Senior Consultant to the Geneva Human Rights Platform, has opined that, for UN treaty bodies to effectively deal with individual communications, a huge systemic change is needed, starting by the creation of a proper registry, increased staff devoted to supporting treaty body work on these communications, and creating a new section dealing with mediation.

  • UN Human Rights Expert Calls on States to Make Reparations for Colonialism and Slavery

    October 30, 2019

    A UN human rights expert has concluded that reparations for racial discrimination rooted in colonialism and slavery are essential to the fulfillment of human rights.

  • Murphy and Organ: UN Needs a World Citizen's Initiative Procedure

    October 30, 2019

    In a new paper, co-authors, Ben Murphy and James Organ, maintain that the United Nations needs to establish a World Citizen’s Initiative (WCI), a form of direct democracy that would enable citizens to place an issue on the UN agenda and trigger an institutional response.

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