PM Johnson Prohibits Ministerial Participation in WEF
December 23, 2019
Boris Johnson has banned ministers from attending the World Economic Forum at Davos in January next year.
Buxton: Davos Manifesto Lacks Enforcement Mechanisms
December 23, 2019
At openDemocracy.net, Nick Buxton laments that the recently published Davos Manifesto on the purpose of a company proposes an entirely voluntary process that contains no "enforcement mechanisms, legislation or regulation to ensure companies abide by their commitments."
WEF's Schwab Publishes "Davos Manifesto" on Purpose of a Company
December 23, 2019
Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, has published Davos Manifesto 2020: The Universal Purpose of a Company in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, building on the emerging view that "the purpose of a company is to engage all its stakeholders in shared and sustained value creation."
SIDA and UNDP Create $40 Million Partnership to Promote National Capacities to Address Environmental and Climate Change Challenges
December 12, 2019
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency ("SIDA") and the United Nations Development Programme ("UNDP") have entered a US $40 million partnership to help national capacities "to better manage ecosystems and biodiversity, improve water and ocean governance, and scale up climate action."
UN International Court of Justice Considers Rohingya Claims Against Myanmar
December 11, 2019
The United Nations International Court of Justice (“ICJ”) is considering a claim filed by Gambia on behalf of Muslim Rohingya alleging that Myanmar committed atrocities during a 2017 army crackdown, with Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi appearing in defense of Myanmar.