International Organizations

  • Amnesty International Calls Out Arms Companies

    September 10, 2019

    A new report by Amnesty International claims that major industry players are not undertaking adequate human rights due diligence, which could prevent their products from being used in potential human rights violations and war crimes.

  • UNCTAD to Facilitate Redistribution of Digital Economy's Gains

    September 06, 2019

    Reflecting global efforts to re-distribute the rapidly expanding digital economy's gains, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released its first-ever Digital Economy Report 2019 that maps the flow, data, and funds in the world's digital economy.

  • IMF Spurs Discussion of Climate Change Mitigation Strategies

    September 06, 2019

    To spur discussion of climate change mitigation strategies, the International Monetary Fund is suggesting fiscal tools, complemented by financial policy tools, such as financial regulation and financial governance, and policies to enhance financial infrastructure and markets, and by monetary policy.

  • SDG Forum Produces SDG Strategies

    September 06, 2019

    At the first Global Sustainability Forum, held in March 2019, an international delegation of people from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities produced five strategies for boosting the Sustainability Development Goals, or SDGs.

  • UNHCHR Criticizes U.S. Policy on Migrant Child and Family Detentions

    September 06, 2019

    UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, has voiced concern over the Trump Administration's policy to allow migrant children and their families to be detained for extended periods beyond those permitted by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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