International Organizations

  • UN Body Finds Italy Breached Woman’s Reproductive Rights

    April 03, 2019

    The UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights has concluded that Italy violated the rights to “sexual and reproductive health” and to gender equality of a woman required under law to accept the transfer into her uterus, as part of a fertility treatment, an embryo with a low chance of viability.

  • WTO Panel Rules Boeing Tax Breaks Violate Trade Rules

    April 03, 2019

    The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appellate Body has ruled that the US ignored previous WTO rulings by allowing Washington state to continue to apply a business and occupancy tax rate reduction for airplane manufacturing giant Boeing in violation of international trade law.

  • UK Opposes UNHRC Agenda Item Targeting Israel

    March 27, 2019

    UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced that the UK government will vote against the targeting of Israel under the standing “item 7” of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) agenda, warning such anti-Israel bias “obstructs the quest for peace in the Middle East” and “undermines the credibility” of the UNHRC.

  • UN Body: War on Drugs Is “System of Racial Control”

    March 20, 2019

    In the run-up to a UN meeting on global narcotics policy, the UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent has condemned the global war on drugs as disproportionately targeting people of African heritage, characterizing anti-drug policies “as a system of racial control.”

  • US Official Outlines Visa Ban for ICC Investigators

    March 18, 2019

    US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo has announced that the US government will ban visas for personnel from the International Criminal Court (ICC) seeking to enter the country to investigate “war crimes” allegedly committed by members of the US armed forces in Afghanistan.

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