Woke Agenda leads to School Withholding Prestigious National Award from Students
December 28, 2022
In the name of equity and recognizing students as individuals instead of for their merits, Thomas Jefferson High school withheld and downplayed the prestigious National Merit Awards from their students.
INCLO: Covid-19 Pandemic Policies Normalized Surveillance
December 21, 2022
A new report by the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO) reveals that policies and technologies launched during the COVID-19 pandemic created increased surveillance which presents concerns about the use of personal data.
Republican Lawmakers Aim to Nullify Biden Admin ESG Rule
December 20, 2022
The battle against environmental, social and corporate governance standards (ESG) in investment continues in the U.S. House and Senate as Republican lawmakers aim to nullify a Biden administration rule that would allow retirement plan fiduciaries to consider climate change and other ESG factors in their investment actions.
Oklahoma Takes the Lead in Allowing Religious Charter Schools
December 14, 2022
Nicole Stelle Garnett writing for city-journal.org, highlights Oklahoma attorney general John O’Connor’s recent letter stating that the state’s laws prohibiting religious charter schools are unconstitutional and encourages all U.S. states that have similar restrictions to follow Oklahoma’s lead.
UN Report reveals Russian forces Killed Hundreds of Civilians in Ukraine War
December 14, 2022
A new report from the United Nations human rights office has been released, documenting attacks in dozens of towns and executions by Russian forces that killed at least 441 civilians in the early days of the Ukraine war.