Chinese Communist Party Launches 'Skynet'
November 16, 2022
The Chinese Communist Party has been building a ranking system, or social credit system, for years, and has recently added a new program to increase their domestic surveillance, a program called « Skynet ».
Erdogan Threatens Greece during G20
November 16, 2022
As Greece boosts its military presence on the Aegean islands, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan threated Greece during his G20 address, warning that Turkey can « come suddenly one night » and a neighbor should « mind its place ».
China’s Security Agency Buys $65 Million Hong Kong Mansion
November 09, 2022
The Chinese agency overseeing national security in Hong Kong, The Office for Safeguarding National Security has purchased a $65 million mansion.
UN Human Rights Chief Türk targets Twitter
November 07, 2022
United Nations Human Rights Chief Volker Türk wrote an open letter to Twitter’s Elon Musk lecturing on the importance of Human Rights following Musk’s firing on a majority of Twitter’s ethical AI team and all of the human rights team.
NATO Releases New Guiding Principles to Human Security
November 03, 2022
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has released a two-page document outlining their new approach and guiding principles to Human Security to « provide a coherent and consistent understanding of human security for NATO. »