International Organizations

  • Paper Calls for NHRI Promotion of UN Indigenous Declaration

    July 09, 2018

    A paper from the Centre for International Governance Innovation explores the "crucial role" national human rights institutions (NHRIs) should play in promoting and monitoring governments' implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

  • Academics Call for International Migration Panel

    June 29, 2018

    A group of over 500 academics has published a letter observing the failure of past UN and regional attempts at global migration governance and calling for the creation of an International Panel on Migration and Asylum to help create a "science-based approach to policies on immigration."

  • UN Launches Sex Abuse Screening System

    June 28, 2018

    Reuters reports that, responding to allegations of widespread sex abuse within the ranks of the UN system, the UN has announced the launch of a screening system that will prevent former staff members found guilty of sexual misconduct from obtaining jobs at other charities or with other UN agencies.

  • WHO Seeks Restrictions on Trans-fats in Food

    June 28, 2018

    The UN's World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a report calling on everyone to reduce their intake of "artery-clogging fatty foods" and pushing for "energetic action from governments" to prevent the inclusion of trans-fats in food products.

  • UN Body Aims to Censor Presentation on Press Freedom

    June 28, 2018

    The New York Times reports that the UN Alliance of Civilizations opened itself to allegations of censorship on World Press Freedom Day by calling for a nongovernmental organization to delete references to Turkey in a video presentation singling out countries with restrictions on the media.

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