International Organizations

  • World Bank Fund Pushes Climate Action Across Economy

    June 07, 2018

    The World Bank has published a press release about how its BioCarbon Fund's Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes is seeking to drive climate action by rewarding countries with financing for measuring and reducing a broad range of greenhouse gas emissions in the forestry, agricultural, energy, and other sectors.

  • World Bank Prioritizes "Climate-Smart" Development Funding

    June 07, 2018

    In an article pushing "middle income countries" to do more to meet their commitments under the 2015 Paris climate accords, the World Bank Group touts the $12.8 billion it used to finance "climate-related" projects in fiscal year 2017 and illustrates how the development institution is broadly and increasingly prioritizing the threat of global warming in its funding decisions.

  • World Bank Panel Seeks Climate Adaptation in South Asia

    June 07, 2018

    Predicting that 800 million South Asians are at economic risk due to the future catastrophic impacts of global warming, the World Bank recently hosted a panel exploring "concrete climate actions and adaptation strategies" Asian countries must adopt to limit their exposure to such threats.

  • UN Rights Agent Assesses Sweden's "Solidarity"

    June 07, 2018

    Demonstrating the embrace by the UN human rights system of the "right to development," UN Independent Expert Obiora Okafor recently visited Sweden to examine whether the country is sufficiently promoting "human rights-based international solidarity" in its global development assistance and environmental action.

  • UN Observer Blasts "Contempt for the Poor" in US

    June 06, 2018

    UN human rights mandate holder and New York University Professor Philip Alston concluded in a recent report that the Trump Administration has shown "contempt for the poor" through policies including tax cuts "for the very wealthy" and a "systematic assault on the welfare system," warning that widening economic inequality is threatening democracy.

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