International Organizations

  • UN Agent: Indonesia Must Overcome Food Rights Challenges

    June 06, 2018

    UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food Hilal Elver has warned that the Indonesian programs are failing to sufficiently promote the nutritional rights of its people, particularly as the country sustains impacts from global warming, and called on authorities to adopt a "human rights based approach to food security."

  • UN Rights Observer Warns Ghana on "Social Protection"

    June 06, 2018

    Illustrating the embrace by the UN human rights apparatus of the economic, social, and cultural rights agenda, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Philip Alston has warned Ghana that, without prioritizing "social protection" and reducing wealth inequality, it will fail to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • NGO: Spain Violated Health Rights Through "Austerity"

    June 05, 2018

    In a recent report, Amnesty International accused the Spanish government of violations of the international human rights agenda by pushing through "austerity" measures making access to healthcare more expensive and called on government authorities to perform a human rights impact assessment to determine how health policy reforms had affected the right to health.

  • UN Rights Chief: World Bank Must "Marry" Rights, Economics

    June 05, 2018

    Human Rights Watch has published an article applauding UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein for demanding at a meeting of World Bank economists that they "marry human rights and economics" by coordinating with UN human rights observers and prioritizing the global rights agenda in the institution's project financing.

  • ILO Meeting Produces Emergency-Service Work Guidelines

    June 05, 2018

    An expert meeting at the UN's International Labour Organization (ILO) recently proposed global guidelines on how public emergency-service providers should protect their employees in light of hazards including illness, injury, and disasters brought on by climate change, and promoting the collective bargaining of such employees to ensure "decent" working conditions.

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