International Organizations

  • NGO Welcomes World Bank Donors' Sustainability Push

    June 04, 2018

    The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has welcomed a communique from World Bank donors tying an increase in the development institution's capital with its promotion of the climate and sustainability agenda but warned against the use of private-sector resources to accomplish such aims.

  • Academic: Economic Inequality Undermines Rights Agenda

    June 04, 2018

    Professor Samuel Moyn of Yale University has blamed the failure by human-rights advocates to engage in the sustained promotion of "economic fairness" for the collapse of civil and political rights in various jurisdictions across the globe.

  • US Opposes Sexual-Rights Language in UN Report

    June 04, 2018

    Elyssa Koren of ADF International observes how the US and a group of African countries prevented the adoption of an outcome document by the UN Commission on Population and Development over the insistence by other countries that it include language promoting "sexual and reproductive health rights."

  • NGO Seeks UN Criticism of Alleged Racism in US Justice System

    June 04, 2018

    The nongovernmental organization The Sentencing Project recently submitted a report to the UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism accusing the US of violating its international human-rights obligations by failing to address systemic racial disparities in the country's criminal-justice system.

  • NGO Releases Tool Linking SDGs, Rights Agenda

    June 01, 2018

    As activist groups seek to ground the UN social and environmental agenda in a pre-existing set of global human rights commitments, the Danish Institute for Human Rights recently released a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) - Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Data Explorer as a way to support links between the SDGs and the UPR rights review process.

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