International Organizations

  • PA Seeks to Halt US Vetoes of UNSC Actions

    May 24, 2018

    The Times of Israel reports that the Palestinian Authority (PA), citing the US's blocking of a proposed statement by the UN Security Council (UNSC) supporting "peaceful" protests by Palestinians in Gaza and calling for a UN investigation of Palestinian deaths, has called for the UNSC to adopt a "new formula" that would prevent the US from vetoing future resolutions.

  • UN, World Bank Launch Joint SDG Framework

    May 23, 2018

    The UN and World Bank Group have agreed to a Strategic Partnership Framework consolidating their commitments to achieving the UN's comprehensive social and environmental targets contained in its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including through financing for "sustainable development" and action against climate change.

  • NGO: Global Compact Must "Transform" Refugee System

    May 23, 2018

    Amnesty International has called on negotiators of a Global Compact on Refugees at the UN to "transform the way the world responds to refugees" by mandating "fair" responsibility-sharing among countries, the recognition of corporate responsibilities to protect refugees, and recognizing the role of global warming in driving "refugee" movements.

  • NGO: UN Chief Ignores Chinese Rights Violations

    May 23, 2018

    Sophie Richardson of Human Rights Watch criticizes UN Secretary-General António Guterres for ignoring his mandate to advance human rights as he praised Chinese President Xi Jinping for his engagement with the UN system without mentioning the Chinese government's regular practices of arbitrary detention and torture or the absence of political rights in the country.

  • NGO Laments Lack of Progress on "Killer Robot" Ban

    May 23, 2018

    Bonnie Docherty of Human Rights Watch has published a piece warning that world actors will not be able to stop "killer robot weapons" - systems that identify and engage targets without human input - without urgently adopting an international instrument preemptively prohibiting their deployment.

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