International Organizations

  • Supreme Court Restricts Environmental Protection Agency Reach

    July 06, 2022

    In the recent case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot require power plants to shift away from fossil fuels to lower-emission forms of energy thus restricting but not ending the EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions.

  • Ben Whedon: After SCOTUS win on EPA case, Patrick Morrisey takes aim at SEC

    July 06, 2022

    West Virginia Republican Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, who just won a case before the Supreme Court limiting the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency, now has plans to challenge the Biden administration’s efforts to regulate capital markets through the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • Kurtz in NRO: Ron DeSantis Blasts Federal Civics Education Bill

    July 06, 2022

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who last year revised Florida’s civics standards, comparing the advantages of America’s institutions to socialist, communist, and authoritarian regimes, has come out against a the Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA), a bill that would push critical race theory (CRT) on every public school in the country.

  • Supreme Court Ruling on Carbon Emissions May Block U.S. SEC Climate Rule

    July 01, 2022

    A U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to limit the Environmental Protection Agency's power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions may create a halt to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s new rule that requires public companies to disclose their emissions.

  • Environmental Groups Sue to Block Biden Oil and Gas Auctions

    June 30, 2022

    As fuel prices soar, the Biden administration is attempting to increase domestic output of oil and gas, only to be met and the sale blocked by two environmental groups who filed separate lawsuits.

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